DG Aquawax Application


New member
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Loved my first application today and had a couple of application questions.

Do you apply with one MF towel and wipe with another?

Do you wipe lightly for both initial and final wipes?

It seemed like if I sprayed one area ahead of where I was wiping...e.g., let the wax sit for just a minute....before I started wiping it helps coverage and contact? Maybe I'm crazy but have you done this?

On first use, this stuff is slick and shiny. In a word....AWESOME!!! Can't wait to see what is does for my G35 for the next couple weeks of winter.

IMO you can't go wrong with any technique of application with Aquawax. 1 MF towel Spray and wipe. 2 MF towels 1 wipe 1 follow-up. It does not matter. That is some really good stuff!!

The best thing whatever technique you use is fine....the fact you are diggin the Aquawax like most people here is fun.

I experiment just like you. I like 2 MF towels. Spray wipe and follow up with dry MF wipe.

Either way you are not doing anything wrong!!
2 MF towels as the first one usually gets to saturated with product.
I've been using AW for sometime now and just spray it on the car,wipe down with my mf towel and flip over to a dryish spot as needed. If its kinda cool or dampish you'll need a couple towels but when its warm out, one is all I ever need.
What about when your car is still wet?

2 towels almost always for me. Most of the time I am applying while there is still some water on the paint (after a 2BM or during a RW). So first towel wipes the product around to nearly dry then the final dry towel finishes it off.
in colder temps I use 2 mf towels, otherwise 1 works fine. spray onto panel, lightly spread it around and then flip to the other side and buff off...
I use the two towel method with no problems. :xyxthumbs:
I also use 2 towels, sometimes get away with one, depending on how saturated the MF is, love AW
2 towels here too......light spray on panel spread with one and lightly buff with another.
Hot or cold, wet or dry......easy.