OH Crap!


New member
May 9, 2013
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The Mrs. accidently washed two of my microfibers and my guzzler waffle weave with of all things my wheel wash mitt.:awman:The wheel mitt had just been rinsed out and washed & dried before it got tossed in the washing machine. Should I trash them? Just use on the wheels from now on? Or is there a way to clean/wash to be able to use them on the paint finish again? Opinions please.
I'd keep them, but use them for wheels, exhaust tips, etc - anything except the body.
If you're really AR, relegate, otherwise get out the magnifying glass and fine tweezers and give them all a once-over. Or donate to a less-AR friend. Or just wash again, and feel for roughness with your wrist (you read that correctly). If they feel ok on the inside of your wrist, don't sweat it.
If you're really AR, relegate, otherwise get out the magnifying glass and fine tweezers and give them all a once-over. Or donate to a less-AR friend. Or just wash again, and feel for roughness with your wrist (you read that correctly). If they feel ok on the inside of your wrist, don't sweat it.

Agreed. It can be a huge pain, but you can usually get out any particles if you're really diligent. I've had that happen, too. But on a few occasions the towels were reassigned to wheels only or household duty.

The waffle weaves should be fine if you rewash them. But check them for roughness, too. I usually close my eyes as I check them, going by feel only.
That's the trick. Your eyes can fool you, as can your fingers. Much like the par38 LEDs making you crazy by revealing defects you can't otherwise see, your fingers will "feel" dirt that isn't really there. Your wrists will really tell the tale (just like checking baby formula temperature).
Thanks everyone. I'll just rewash them and carefully check them out by sight and feel. I'll tell the Mrs. I've asked the experts at AutogeekOnline and to close her eyes and tell me if she feels anything!:xyxthumbs:
Just whatever you do, don't give her any crap. FSM knows how much our significant others have to put up with, us and this obsession of ours! ;)
LOL, that is a given!!!:iagree: The alternative is sleeping in the garage or worse!
Just wash them again. Also, just a thought, but maybe you could use some Iron X mixed with water as a pre-soak to dissolve any "possibly" remaining iron particles that could have transferred to the towels.
Let it be known that the abrasives we use on paint can't be detected by the flesh. I would wash the towels and then perform a scratch test against a controlle towel. This sounds stupid. I can't believe I just wrote that. I would do that stupid test, or just dedicate them to another function.
Right, but I wouldn't be worried about polish residues; sand, dirt and grit from the wheel mitt is the big concern.