Destroyed interior...I did what I could.


New member
Jan 22, 2007
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So a client of mine calls me up on Sunday and said he bought a surburan and wants me to detail it and while I am there to do his wifes interior and his truck. So I go up there yesterday think it should be an easy day since I did a full detail on his wifes car in July and his truck in May.

Boy was I wrong...It is amazing how little some people think of there cars. She had destroyed the car inside and out. I couldn't believe it...if it was me I wouldn't have had it cleaned, obviously it is pointless.

So I get there yesterday morning and open the car door to this...





That spot on the seat came out but I forgot to get a picture of it.


Apparently she took a dog to the beach and the kids feed it pizza and on the ride home the pizza came up...and this was on THURSDAY almost a week of 95+ temps before I cleaned it. I almost puked when I opened the car door.

Now after some Meg's APC 4:1, a stiff brush, and my extractor this was the best I could do.





I wasn't satisfied with the results and was gonna make another pass with the extractor and the APC on the seats but the guy walked over and said forget it. His exact words"you'll be back and two months and it will be back to the way it was when you got here"

So as I backed this car out of the spot to pull in the Suburban it starts to rain, so I rescheduled the other two for Tuesday when I come back.
Those first pics are just gross. Nice turn around though.
DAMN!! That was a bad interior! I would have puked :p Its sick that pepols let their cars get so trashed! Good job! It came out great!!
The before pictures looked gross. I won't let her near any of my cars.
That's just wrong :eek:

You know you can always tell when a person really cares for there vehicle by how well they maintain ther vehicles but the before pictures are I said that's just wrong.

You did a nice job of bringing it back but if it's going to get like that again in two months time, boy you got some work to do.

Thank you for sharing.
wytstang said:

The bad part is his work truck(he does construction) is tens times cleaner than hers.
when i seen the inside of the truck i wanted to toss my cookies...NASTY
All I would have said would've been, $100 for the first 2 hours and $50 every one after that! Thats just wrong, and I've seen my share of nas-T interiors. You did great for what you had to work on! Pat yourself on the back.
That is just plain WRONG! Rip out that interior and replace it!
<Shutter> I hope you charged a PREMIUM for that...

Good job though... How do ever re-sale something like that?
That guys wife is a slob and obviously doesn't mind driving around in her own filth. Nice turn around and sorry you didn't have such an easy day.
I hope he never buys her another new car. If people can't keep their possessions in good shape, they don't deserve them. My wife treats my cars nicely, but isn't as careful with her own stuff. However, I don't pay for any of them, so I can't really complain.
ehuth1 said:
All I would have said would've been, $100 for the first 2 hours and $50 every one after that! Thats just wrong, and I've seen my share of nas-T interiors. You did great for what you had to work on! Pat yourself on the back.

Well I would have but he brings me a lot of work so I got $150 for this job and will have two trucks to do for him on Tuesday that are pretty clean. Gotta take the bad with the good.
Pauly6401 said:
I hope he never buys her another new car.

Funny you should mention that because when I was giving her the keys and everything I pulled out of the car she said "it's paid off, now time to sell it and get a new one" then she said "want to buy a car?"

It is steady business for me but I hate to see good cars get ruined.
That was just plain SICK! Can't believe she left the crap in there for that long. How could she stand the stench driving in it, or even having the kids in there? Unless of course she didn't drive it till you got there to clean it up.
You know, some 303 fabric protectant would probably keep that from ever happening again.