Need for one step or two? Can't tell..


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Jan 27, 2015
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Hey guys so i've recently done my 2010 mustang and i've used a gg 6" da with ultimate compound and their orange pads then followed up with swirlx on the black pad and then nxt 2.0 wax with the red pads all gg pads.. it came out good I think

But I can't tell if the two step was even needed.. I've read about UC being easily a one step as well as Swirlx.. I know the least aggressive method first is the way to do it but that car had never been polished on so I figured it wouldn't hurt. But how can I tell if a car needs a 2 step or just one step it with UC or Swirlx? pictures would help... thanks
The test Spot 2x2 will tell the whole story. Looks preety good to me. Its possible you might of been able to acheive the same results with a polishing pad and just Swirlx...
Yeah just need to do a test spot. If you haven't corrected the whole car yet, tape of a test spot and try a one step combination of pad/polish. If it works then you'll know for future work!
The test Spot 2x2 will tell the whole story. Looks preety good to me. Its possible you might of been able to acheive the same results with a polishing pad and just Swirlx...

thats what i'm wondering. don't wanna do 2 steps if i don't have to as well as extra cutting of the compound if i can lightly hit it with the swirlx and polish pad it would be better for the clear ;)
IMO if its your ride and you obviously have great taste in cars.....I would do a 2-Step....regardless of AIO or whatever 1-Step product is out there...period. With a 2-Step, yes it will take more time, however, you will know for sure that your car is corrected right!!

From there on afterwards I use a polishing compound when I do my semi-annual cleansing or if the ride is real dirty and it fails the baggie test. I will clay and then polish. No AIO. The polishing compound I use has very little cut to maintain my ride. I use Menzerna SF4500. IMO that is a great "jeweling" polish.

Based on your pics, I would say you would not have to go too much with a compound polish as there aren't too many swirls. The Polishing would be the one I would concentrate more on. But either way the 2-Step is the way I would go.

I will not use SF4000 as it has too much cut for my taste. SF4000 is a great product.

So what I am saying....forget the AIO and go 2-step and not worry. My ride is garaged every day/night, but its my DD. BTW you ride is beautiful and you do great work!!
thank you sir, and what is AIO? sorry i'm new.. and well guys I went over a few panels today for about a hour or so with my 3" orange pad and swirlx and found it was cutting and producing results just as well as the uc and swirlx combo so looks like i'll be one stepping the rest of the car unless I run into some trouble spots but I had one scratch that was even white that i've had on the car for forever and a few glides over with the swirlx and it was gone very surprised! took me an hour to do the door and quarter panel :) getting better!
AIO = All-In-One. This has some cut, some polish and some protection. The easiest way I can describe it; is a compromise product.

AIO is not for a garage queen or your own ride. It is for the person that wants a decent look and protection. A perfect example is my friend. I did a 2-Step on her brand new Mercedes 350 coupe and she takes it to the car wash and really does not take care of it.

Hello swirls. She wants me to make it clean again. Rather than waste my time on a 2-Step I will just use an AIO and be done with it. Take care of 3 things with 1 product.

She will do the same thing soon. I told her eventually I will not be able to save her ride because the way she takes care of it.

Additionally, when I made her car nearly perfect the 1st time she just glanced at it and said it was clean. Clean to her is a car wash. She did say that it was a 100% HAND Car wash....LOL. IMO, YOU would not be a candidate for an AIO. I know I am not....but my friend she is.

AIO is great for some people it's just not for me.

I have Klaas AIO and Wolfgang AIO. Both are small bottles. No need for any bigger.
got cha, well I believe when I do one steps for customers I will do swirlx with cut pad over whole vehicle and then wax and if its an older car with oxidation and what not i'll do UC over whole car.. But for my garage queen/show car/weekend cruiser/race car the swirlx with a orange pad is cutting just about perfect :)
Sorry to revive this thread; however, I do have a question in regards to the SwirlX product. Is a cutting pad enough for the final step of SwirlX or should I consider a polishing pad with SwirlX after using the cutting pad with SwirlX?

My apologies mates, but I am new to the whole DA system.

Sorry to revive this thread; however, I do have a question in regards to the SwirlX product. Is a cutting pad enough for the final step of SwirlX or should I consider a polishing pad with SwirlX after using the cutting pad with SwirlX?

My apologies mates, but I am new to the whole DA system.


I think it would depend on the condition of the finish at that point. If YOU feel like you need to step down to a polishing/finishing pad. If is in a condition that YOU can live with or are happy with then seal it and be done.

That being said, on a black or darker colored car, a polishing step will likely be necessary to get rid of any fine swirls that may have been left by the cutting pad.

I had a Corvette yellow Cavalier that would finish up perfect with Klasse AIO and a cutting pad, but then that was a light (bright) colored car that did no show defects easily.
Sorry to revive this thread; however, I do have a question in regards to the SwirlX product. Is a cutting pad enough for the final step of SwirlX or should I consider a polishing pad with SwirlX after using the cutting pad with SwirlX?

My apologies mates, but I am new to the whole DA system.


This is a scenario where pads like the pink or orange ccs comes in handy. Even the white or green ccs works well. With SwirlX, as a one step, it will usually be fine with an orange.

In trying to get the right products together to yield the best results on the widest variety of finishes, I've chosen to pair the SwirlX with orange ccs pads in what I call my "Travel Kit". However, after these pads are done I will probably use Tangerine Hydrotechs, or Orange Hex Logics.
I think it would depend on the condition of the finish at that point. If YOU feel like you need to step down to a polishing/finishing pad. If is in a condition that YOU can live with or are happy with then seal it and be done.

That being said, on a black or darker colored car, a polishing step will likely be necessary to get rid of any fine swirls that may have been left by the cutting pad.

I had a Corvette yellow Cavalier that would finish up perfect with Klasse AIO and a cutting pad, but then that was a light (bright) colored car that did no show defects easily.

Used XMT 360 with polishing pad and wifes silver CTS then sealed ...LOOKS GOOD ...
If you first use Ultimate Compound follow up using the Meguiar's Ultimate Polish.
IMO you'd get better results compared to SwirlX
If you want best results always use a fine polish after using a compound such as Ultimate Compound.

My two cents worth.