View Full Version : Corvette Leather Protection

08-23-2007, 08:48 PM
For those of you in Florida or other really hot states with Vettes...how often do you treat the leather and dash? Mine is garaged, but sits in the sun for about 8 hours a day at my work. I have the windshield visors that protect the dash, and the sides of the car don't get direct sun, but it gets hot inside.

I've read that you generally only want to treat the leather seats once every few months, but they seem a bit dry (I bought the car 2 months ago with only 8500 miles on it, it's a 2000). I want to get them back to where they should be and keep them that way.

Are there any other random maintenance tricks on the exterior or interior you hot weather folks perform due to the sun, heat, and possibly salt air? Where I park is only about 1/8 mile from the ocean, so there is spray.

Gary Sword
08-23-2007, 09:00 PM
I condition my leather about once a month. It's not good to let the leather dry out especially if it sits in the hot Florida sun. I like both Connolly Hide Care and Pinnacle Leather Conditioner. I live on salt water. Get your paint sealed or waxed for protection.

08-23-2007, 09:04 PM
I dont own a vette but my car spends all day in the california sun, i use 303 protectant every where except the dash, i feel its too shinny for my dash. I go with DP interior protectant on the dash because it has a very matte look. SOme people dont mind the shine of 303, others hate it, its not so bad on lighter color leather. If you ask me though, i think that 303 protectant offers the best protection. 303 also makes another product called fabric guard, it works on leather to but im not sure how much shine it gives.

08-24-2007, 04:12 AM
Leather Three Step Care :( Cleaning, Conditioning and (UVR) Protection):

a)Cleaning- use a soft horse hair brush (Groit's Leather & Interior Brush) and/or a vacuum to remove any dust, apply a cleaning solution (Water /Woolite® or Dreft® 6:1 ratio or stronger) on to an applicator pad and apply to one area at a time (i.e. a seat back). To remove stubborn dirt or grime gently agitate the surface with a boar's hair cleaning brush (this will not harm the leather) then use a clean, damp Microfiber towel to rinse.
Maintenance cleaning- use a cleaning solution (Water /Woolite® or Dreft® 10:1 ratio) on to an applicator pad and apply to one area at a time

This Mesh towel is double woven micro fibre, made to be safe and scratch-free for all leather and vinyl finishes (inc paint and plastic) - http://poorboysworld.com/microfiber.htm (http://poorboysworld.com/microfiber.htm)

c) Conditioning- recommend a preventative maintenance routine three to four times a year, once prior to the winter season to prevent cold temperatures cracking the leather, and once before the heat of the summer to prevent deterioration and shrinkage by heat, which result in continued cracking of leather. In addition to regular cleaning, leather requires replacement of natural oils; Collagen-based products like Leatherique restore the lost moisture and maintain its natural flexibility. The smell of leather comes from oils evaporating out of the hide. Conditioners are for leather which is porous, vinyl is not, do not use a vinyl product as a conditioner on leather as vinyl requires much stronger cleaning agents than leather and above all try to avoid raw silicone oil based products, as the silicone oil will dissolve the leather's natural oils and tend to make the leather sticky, silicone oils also have a very high electrostatic (static) attraction to dust and dirt particle.

c) Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) Protection - you should consider additional sunscreen protection (especially if you own a convertible) leather conditioners typically do not offer any UV screening. The best solution is to alternate between a leather conditioner and a, ultra violet radiation (UVR) protection (303™ Aerospace Protectant). One month use a conditioner to keep the leather healthy and supple. On alternate months mist and wipe the leather with a UVR protection. After application allow 60 minutes for product to cure, then using a 100% cotton cloth to lightly buff surface (See Section 11 Leather Cleaning and Maintenance)

d)Scheduled Maintenance: Once every 30-60 days, Arizona, Florida and Texas, especially in summer, for northern climates between 90-120 days, use a leather conditioner to restore these natural oils and keep the leather soft and supple. (Criot's Leather Care, Autoglym Leather Care Cream, Zanio Z10 Leather in a Bottle or Zymol Treat leather cleaners are all good maintenance products)

08-24-2007, 06:49 AM
Leather Monthly --- use Connolly Hide Care

Dash , Monthly also --- use Poorboys Natural Shine

08-24-2007, 06:22 PM
I'll definitely be trying out some of the products mentioned. I have leather cleaner and conditioner right now, but not from AG so I won't speak the forbidden name. I like the idea of putting some 303 on top to protect from the UV rays though, and will probably try a couple of the other leather products mentioned to see how they stack up against what I am using now.

08-24-2007, 09:22 PM
For those of you in Florida or other really hot states with Vettes...how often do you treat the leather and dash? Mine is garaged, but sits in the sun for about 8 hours a day at my work. I have the windshield visors that protect the dash, and the sides of the car don't get direct sun, but it gets hot inside.

I've read that you generally only want to treat the leather seats once every few months, but they seem a bit dry (I bought the car 2 months ago with only 8500 miles on it, it's a 2000). I want to get them back to where they should be and keep them that way.

Are there any other random maintenance tricks on the exterior or interior you hot weather folks perform due to the sun, heat, and possibly salt air? Where I park is only about 1/8 mile from the ocean, so there is spray.
Pinnacle and Wolfgang leather conditioners have beedn my favorite for a while. If your front windows are not tinted, condition leather every 30-60 days. For dashboard I really like Klasse leather/vinyl cleaner/protectant. Lasts 4+ weeks, leaves no shine of dash, but is a bit pricey... KLASSE VINYL, LEATHER, RUBBER & PLASTIC-CLEANER/PROTECTANT (http://www.autogeek.net/klasvinleatr.html)

I use it only on dash.

08-25-2007, 09:25 AM
Everyone has been touting the Four Star Leather Cleaner/Conditioner, so I got some for testing. We will see ....

08-25-2007, 09:17 PM
Everyone has been touting the Four Star Leather Cleaner/Conditioner, so I got some for testing. We will see ....
still haven't tried my samples yet...both cleaner and conditioner...