wash and wax products.


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Jun 10, 2007
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I was thinking the other day about these products that claim to leave a thin wax layer on you car as you wash. I got to thinking how would that work? How would the wax bond to the surface. wouldnt they trap dirt under the wax? Do they even work? Even if they do, surely they would not leave behind any significant amount of nuba. Im rather skeptical of these wash and wax products. I though....what if I made my own wash and wax product. I was thinking if i added some liquid souveran or spray souveran to some car soap would I end up with a wash and wax like product? I am curious to know what you guys think about wash and wax products, and my idea.
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I ask myself the same question man. I would never use one though.
Yea I dont know how they would work too. I just stay away from them. I dont mind applying my own wax after I wash...
most of these products arent really waxes in the traditional sense. Most offer or have beeswax added into them. Thus they bead well when wet, but do absolutely nothing for paint protection itself.

I do know some have offered adding some recent spray sealants to wash, but never personally wanted/needed too.
I really don't think its the same as putting on a layer of wax. They just have a little something in them to give you a little extra gloss or shine when you wash your car thats all. Some probably work better than others, I've read good reviews on a couple. Otherwise they're just like other regular shampoos.
The problem with the wax/wash combo...is after a few days when the so called wax is dead..your paint is grabby and lost it's luster....due to the residue left by the dead product used for a wax....

To me they are not worth the money....ever feel a car that has gone thru a car wash that said hot wax used.. a few days later....feels gritty....even the windows are hazed....

I prefer wash and seal shampoo's like einszett perls with lackfinish polymer sealant

My own shampoo mix has DG FC&S, Aquawax, Aussie Gold showroom glaze, Driven Quick spray, water softeners and hydrophobic agents and is so rich it takes eight hours for the suds to die down when you shake the undiluted bottle

What does it do : Adds more gloss, restores slickness, boosts sealant coatings and makes mounds of suds that allow for easier washing and no need to re use the foam gun a second or third time.
Plus it won't hurt door trim moldings at all

When you rinse it off, the water literally comes off as fast as the water is being applied to it.
Most wash and wax products I've tried over the years did nothing to indicate there was any waxing going on. There was one product from Malco (berry something) that did indeed seem to be doing something. From a protection point I think it's worthless. For ease of rinsing and drying the Malco product helped. I could wash a car with no protection at all and the water would sheet and bead off when I was done. A rinse aid would accomplish the same thing and per car cost less.
Malco very berry.

I believe that shampoo's today must do more than just wash and to do this, I add a variety of QD's and spray sealants to the shampoo's
Mr Dream Machines said:
I I add a variety of QD's and spray sealants to the shampoo's

Do you notice any benefits? And what hydrophobic agents do you use?
heaps. mixing these QD's seems to be like polycharger for suds.
They become volcanic like and gives more lubrication to it as well

Instead of rinsing a shampoo off and having the water sit on the surface, slowly sheeting away or beading furiously, it rockets off the surface so quick that parts of each panel are bone dry and only a few dozen tiny beads remain

Try it
Mr Dream Machines said:
heaps. mixing these QD's seems to be like polycharger for suds.
They become volcanic like and gives more lubrication to it as well

Instead of rinsing a shampoo off and having the water sit on the surface, slowly sheeting away or beading furiously, it rockets off the surface so quick that parts of each panel are bone dry and only a few dozen tiny beads remain

Try it

I will try it. But what hydrophobic agents do you use? And what QD do you recommend doing this with?