Hard to clean interiors


New member
Apr 30, 2013
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I just finished a detail on a 2011 Mini Cooper countryman. The interior has so many little crack, crevices and tight space to try to clean and vacuum.
What cars have you ran into that are similar?
Small cars are the worst. My least favorite are roadsters or convertibles that have the tops down all the time. Everything gets so grimy that you pretty much have to clean and scrub every single surface thoroughly or else you leave 'clean spots'. They take forever. Really anything with Beige interior is my bane.

Vans in general suck. I was thinking about changing the name of my business to 'We Don't Do Vans'. lol
as much as i hate really gross interiors you get the most obvious changes that customers appreciate more. I have the same process for really bad and pretty clean and the customers that already have clean interiors aren't as excited as the ones with the bad
as much as i hate really gross interiors you get the most obvious changes that customers appreciate more. I have the same process for really bad and pretty clean and the customers that already have clean interiors aren't as excited as the ones with the bad

Ain't that the truth. I get far more satisfaction detailing a 1993 Civic than I do a 2015 Ferrari. How much better can you really make a brand new vehicle look? It's not exactly to the point of diminishing returns to polish and seal a new car, but it is more preventative than anything else. Give me a grimy car that feeds my need for before/after pictures any day. :)
My girlfriend has a 2011 Countryman with a beige interior, so I feel your pain. It really is a time consuming interior to clean. She has 4 bucket seats, so you don't even get the benefit of a bench seat in the back.
