Is this overkill

mike matchlat

New member
Mar 3, 2006
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Hears my plan first hit each panel with waterless wash then rinseless wash 2 bucket method followed by spray wax what do you think car is a garage queen only goes out in nice weather lol
Are you using the waterless wash as a presoak for the rinseless? If not, then you are going about things backwards.
Yes, that's overkill.

Wait a minute...
The above statement could be just me:
"jumping to a conclusion". :dunno:

confused rinseless than waterless or waterless then rinseless?
From what I read from the description from AG site for the Optimum version of these products, ONR and Opti Clean Concentrate; is first WW then rinseless.
Have you ever tested anything on just one panel to see if just one product will clean your vehicle? If it scratches the surface, then add something to make it more lubricated and so fourth. Play around with things until you get the right combo down for the average amount of "dirt" you would clean off your garage queen.

I think you're losing a lot of time and over thinking this because you're scared to start from the bottom and work up.
thanks for all response I think I am over thinking a simple task going to do waterless wash like I did in the past with good results