Accidentally used wrong compound


New member
Jun 24, 2013
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Yesterday I was working on a get coat boat and an Ford F-250 which was very oxidized being the truck was parked a couple of years outdoors.
Full sun.

I use small lotion bottles to put my liquids in to make it easy to fit in my apron.
Well yesterday I worked on the boat, left for lunch, when I returned I had a customer to speak with, I then put on my apron and moved on to the truck again.
Using my DA and the Meguiar's DAMF Cutting Pad I started, took out my small bottle which I thought was m105, I made four section passes, first thing I noticed was how easy it was to remove the broken down polish and how great it looked, much better than when I did my test spot earlier using the m105.

Well it wasn't m105 I was using, it was the m67, Meguiar's Marine All In One Polish which works great on gel coats.
Did I switch back to the m105?
No, I continued using the m67 on the truck that had severe oxidation, I followed up with the m205.

When I did my test spot using the m105 I said to myself "This will take forever"
My next thought was to wet sand using 3M 3000k Tarzact disk but really didn't want to have to do a third step on this large truck.

To my surprise it didn't leave hazing on the dark red paint being how aggressive I was with the correction.
If any of you want a good liquid to remove oxidation on gel coats give the m67 a try.

Low dusting
Won't gum up your pad
Wipes off like a dream
Removes the oxidation quickly

For the new detailers...

Please don't use the m67 on a new car or any car that the clear is in good condition as it's very aggressive , the only reason I continued to use it was if not sanding was going to be my first step.
Ha ha, this kind of reminds me when people recommend DG 501 and people ask "that's for boats, is it ok to use on a car??"

Anyway, glad that worked out well for you.
Was that clear/base or single stage paint?

Just curious...

I use marine products on beat-up daily drivers and large trucks all the time. need to be extremely careful on cleat coats.
I use marine products on beat-up daily drivers and large trucks all the time. need to be extremely careful on cleat coats.

I love my m105 for those bad daily drivers.
My new go to system is now Meguiar's D300 along with their Cutting Pads but on this truck even sandpaper wouldn't be overkill.
Was very close to be repainted but it looks much better.