105, 205 on polyurethane


New member
Mar 28, 2014
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I've read that people have used car compound and polish on polyurethane covered floors. Do you think it'd work?

If you don't personally try it out, then:
Depends on who you believe.

I'll go as far to say that I believe that there's differences
between Polyurethane top-film coatings for wooden floor surfaces, and Polyurethane top-film coatings for vehicle surfaces.

If the above differences actually do exist:
Would M105/M205 be able to discern those differences?

Please don't quote me. TIA. :)

Our dining room table is 20 years old. During a recent remodel it became the landing spot for a lot of tools and articles. It also received a nice coat of over spray. I contacted the painter that sprayed the kitchen cabinets with varnish and he looked at it then rubbed and scrubbed and finally got a 2 inch spot clean although it was quite smeary looking. He was at a loss so I stepped out to the garage and came back with some M205 and a polishing pad on my Flex. About 5-10 minutes later it looked better than it did when we purchased it. That's my first experience. Since then my wife had me polish all her end tables.
So I'm playing around with the pc on the floors. This is 105 and 205. Just a couple passes for both. Its shiny but shows the scratches big time. I don't think the pc will take the scratches out
Well I'll say one thing for you Frank:
At least you gave it the old college try...:xyxthumbs:

Not doing much on the scratches but it sure is shining up nicely