New Detailer


New member
Mar 29, 2015
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Ok I've done detailing work on the side for lots of family, friends and customers that live close to me for a few years and I wanna start doing more and going more into business cuz I really enjoy detailing and I have questions.
Do I need some kind of insurance?
What kind of legal documents or service agreement invoices do I need?
I invested in all new equipment but I wanna kprotect myself too.
Looking for simple not complicated advice :)

This forum is a great help and thank you all!
Honestly you dont NEED any of it... Yeah its good to have insurance and licenses in every county but starting off you dont NEED it right out of the gate. If you can afford it then by all means get it.
It's going to come down to the risks you're willing to take. Know without insurance any damage will be out of pocket and the costs that can be incurred if you burn through paint or scratch it in a way that requires a re-paint. Also know that without an LLC if someone were to sue you your personal belongings are fair game.

Is the protection worth the couple thousand per year? That's up to you, depending on who the customers are, are they friends of friends or complete strangers, etc...
I would not do work without insurance & proper business structure. For most people it is cheaper to buy insurance. Otherwise it is your butt on the line. You just need one issue to happen, you get sued and that is the end of the road.

I would never hire an uninsured service provider. Wouldn't you feel better better being able to tell clients you are insured?
EBG 18T yes I would feel better and it would be safe. What kind of insurance would this be?
Here is what you NEED:

Insurance - if you are mobile detailing than get garage keepers ~100 per month

Structure - go to legal zoom set up an LLC if you plan on using a name that is not your own. ~600. If you plan on using your name get a DBA for about ~100.
Sorry this thread picks up where the last left off. On my mobile and hit the wrong button.

You will need an EIN. Federal tax number ~ 10.

Lastly you will need to abide by any of the laws where you live. Like waste water, chemicals, etc...

We already have tons of threads on here about this stuff. So do a quick search for more info
Also look into getting buisness cards to hand out to people or potential clients it helps get your buisness and it brings in new customets.. Aside from all of this iv had 500 custom buisness cards made once I make contact with a customer I always give them my car if they want to have a detail done..vistaprints is where I got started