Looking for advice - new business/products


New member
Nov 19, 2014
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I'm looking for as much advice I can get.

I have always truly enjoyed detailing cars. For as long as I can remember, I've been washing and helping my dad wax and polish the cars. My dad was a mechanic as well as a detailer. On weekends, we still spend time together working on our cars. I'm now 24, and have been thinking a lot about starting a really small business. One car a weekend kinda thing. Who knows where it will go from there. I have a bit of a business plan, as well as pricing and everything figured out - but no finalized.

What I am looking for is advice on products. The problem I have right now is the cost in product. I am really attracted to the meguires professional line because it seems like really good value. Things like the all purpose cleaner as well as super degreaser, tire dressing etc. What other products do you recommended in "larger" volumes as that seems to be the cheaper rout to go.

Also, what does everyone stock up on/always have on hand? Wheel cleaner, tire dressing, window cleaner, etc. etc.

Also, I will be working out of my car or truck. I would like to come up with a system to stay organized and professional. I will give customers the option to bring their car to me, or I can charge a nominal fee for travel cost, and work from their home, use their water, and electricity etc.

Any advice would be much appreciated.