Help micro fine scratches in black spoiler

Billy Baldone

New member
May 11, 2011
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I cannot get these fine micro scratches out of a black mustang gt spoiler. Is it possible they just won't come out. I'm using a Fkex with tangerine hydro tec pads with 205, sf4500, and HD polish. Help I'm going absolutely bananas over this.
Photo indeed will help. If what you're trying isn't getting them out, then you have a couple choices. Use a compound along with your tangerine pad to see if that works but if it doesn't step up to compound with a cutting pad (cyan
Even without pictures all you have been using is polish. Logically if 205 didn't work for me. I would try 105 and then if still not I would consider a wet sand.

There isn't a huge difference in the cutting ability in the 3 polishes you've listed.

Going banana's/insanity = doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result - Albert Einstein
I cannot get these fine micro scratches out of a black mustang gt spoiler. Is it possible they just won't come out. I'm using a Fkex with tangerine hydro tec pads with 205, sf4500, and HD polish. Help I'm going absolutely bananas over this.

Pics in a few. I tried FG400 with orange flat LC pad too.

I a little surprised that FG400 with Orange pad nor any of your other combos took out the 'fine micro scratches'. Are you using too much pressure? SF4500 usually finishes out really well.
I give up. My step son couldn't see them. They don't show up in pics, but damn it, I know they are there.
Just curious, would these have finished out better with my Porter Cable? I have read the Flex finishes a little difficult.
Sir, It appears you have a classic case of the Spoiler Scratch Blues. Not a prolific ailment but, one to heed nonetheless. There are 2 methods of treatment I know of. 1st, walk away and forget the horrible images you have witnessed. Or (bless us all) witness the horrific blemishes on the 2nd full moon of the spring solstice, and then wipe the scathing marks with cow dung and black shoe
polish, the let it be for 37 hrs. This may work, only one time have I witnessed this, and all was well. Good luck and God's speed.


This brings up frustrating memories. It was an 04 Mustang. It was my towels that kept reintroducing the micro swirls.... That's what made me overhaul my microfiber inventory. If I remember correctly I used Ultimate Polish on a blue hex logic, and wiped it off with Meguiar's Supreme Shine towels.
If they're there after all that, is it possible the scratches are in the base coat and have been clear coated over?