Blackfire Polymer Spray Questions


New member
Jan 25, 2015
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So next month I'm going to do a full blackfire detail on my Passat but might throw some Wolfgang in the question is do I apply the blackfire polymer spray after I wash the car when paint is wet or do I use it after its dryed off?
After it is dry. BF poly spray isn't best used as a drying aid - throw some QD down if that is the idea - but is a great quick polymer sealant post wash.
Thanks my plan is to wash and dry like normal then clay then use the BF wet ice over fire combo once all is cured I'll follow up with the polymer spray I got that information on the product page on AG.
Thanks my plan is to wash and dry like normal then clay then use the BF wet ice over fire combo once all is cured I'll follow up with the polymer spray I got that information on the product page on AG.

The polymer spray won't do much immediately following the combo completion. I would recommend waiting and only use it following your routine washes. If you maintain with the polymer spray it will extend the life of your protection for months!
Thank you I do however maintain my car every 2 weeks so this will be perfect.
Thanks my plan is to wash and dry like normal then clay then use the BF wet ice over fire combo once all is cured I'll follow up with the polymer spray I got that information on the product page on AG.

I use the BF combo all the time, there is no reason to go over it after applying the BF combo with the polymer spray or for that matter any detail spray until the next time after you wash it or wipe it down after driving it for a few days / week. I have WG, BF, Pinnacle, and a couple dozen other detailing sprays. I never apply them after a fresh coating of sealant/wax etc. IMHO it's an unnecessary added step and in my experience can some times take away from the fresh coat of wax. I only use them as interim's between reapplying lsp's.