Spray Paint Removal From Plastic Trim?


Active member
Aug 5, 2013
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I discovered my wife ran over a can "construction zone orange" spray paint can at some point in the last couple of days. She had no idea it happened...sigh...

For the look of things, most of the blast went up into the wheel well. The wheel well lining and the inside of the rear splash guard took the brunt. The splash guard probably looks to have protected most of the paint from getting all over the body panels and cladding. The tire also has a good patch of paint on it, as does the muffler, lower "A" arms and part of the rear sway bar.

Right now my main concern is the paint that missed the splash guard and hit the lower black plastic cladding on the outside of the vehicle. Does anyone know of a product I can use which will remove the paint without fading or damaging the appearance of the plastic? I'm not to worried about the inside of the splash guards or wheel wells. I'll hit them with paint thinner or mineral spirits if needed.

If it makes any difference, the vehicle is a 2013 Toyota Highlander.
