clay towels / mitts


New member
Oct 22, 2014
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I see multiple brands of clay towels. Auto Chem, Speedy, Nanoskin, Optimum, etc. I've also seen mitts. Are any of the brands truly "better" than the others?

Is a 7" x 7" big enough for most jobs, or should i go for a 12" x 12"? I figure the smaller one might not need to be folded during use, or is that incorrect?

The mitt seems to me, at first blush, to be the way to go, as it won't try to unfold during use, and won't accidentally wind up on the ground (yes, I know they are easily cleaned if they do). Any thoughts to the contrary?

Can the mitt get into tight curves/spaces/corners, or is the cloth the better way to go.

Are these things any better than the Magna Sponges that were popular a few years ago? Mine was a bit too rough even using a heavy ONR clay lube mix, so I'm looking to replace it for use on 3 or 4 vehicles. Lower cost is preferred if possible, since it does not need to stand up to 100 uses.
I have had the Optimum towel and just recently bought the Nano. The Nanoskin is larger and seems to be of higher quality. I would have no problem at all recommending the Nanoskin towel.


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We bought Nanoskin a year ago when we started the business and they are still working like the day we got them, maybe even better.
I have the Optimum Clay Towel and the Optimum clay sponges (optierasers). The towel is ok, its small and the fine version that I have seems to work well without marring. But I actually think I prefer the sponges. I was used to clay and the sponges have a more clay like feel in the way you use them.
I have a "no-name" towel I bought off of eBay. I have no idea if it works better or worse than the market leaders, but I have no complaints about it. I still use clay though too, as traditional clay fits into places the towel can't get at.
Do the towels or even blocks make *quicker* work over a bar?
Do the towels or even blocks make *quicker* work over a bar?

OMG YES! I use the mitt and love it... even the blocks are a lot faster to use than a bar of clay. Much easier to hold, still bigger and if you drop it, just rinse and repeat :dblthumb2:
I find it quicker because not only is the towel bigger, I don't have to constantly knead and flatten.