3D Yellow Degreaser = Brake Rust?


New member
Apr 4, 2015
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So I got some Yellow degreaser from 3D for my dads tires and rims. Stuff works great, tire is shiny and all, clean, the brake dust just ran off of it.


I washed my brush from Target, a simple brake brush, and propped it up for storage, first time to use it. Two days later, I checked the tire and brush. The brush's metal wire that holds all the bristles turned orange and rusty which i noticed from the spot where i left it to dry.

Checked out the tire, there is rust on the brake thing (sorry, im not that knowledgable on car parts).

I only did 1 tire to test the product out on my dads car, and when i compared, the tire brake I cleaned has a rougher rust to it than the other brakes that i didnt clean.

The dilution I followed was 1:4 for heavy duty (daily driver that is never washed).

Any input? Is this normal?
Going to assume your talking about break rotors.... and if that is the case it's just surface rust from being wet. Has the car been driven and brakes applied at all?

Generally the surface rust will be burned n off after the first drive.

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Ya, brake rotors will rust when you clean them. Normal. Maybe if you blow them dry with a sidekick they might stay shiny. Never tried. But as Tweek said, the rust will disapear as soon as you drive the car and brake a few times. And they will rust again when it rains ;)