View Full Version : What to do?

06-03-2015, 05:46 PM
After years of being too chicken, I think I'm finally ready to move away from touchless washes. My 2007 Infiniti G35 has been sitting outside for the past 5 years without a garage. It's never been polished or clayed. We get winter for about 5-6 months of the year, with a reasonable amount of salt on the road.

My current plan is to strip the car with a strong solution of soap such as CG CWG, clay the vehicle and then wax it. I most likely won't attempt to polish it until I get the hang of washing, so that I may preserve my clear coat.


1. Since my paint is already scratched and my vehicle is extremely dirty, would I be better to start off with a Few cheap MF wash mitts instead of a potentially ruining a quality wool mitt?

Or would you guys still consider the MF's too risky? - Here's the MF mitts I'm considering: Simoniz Microfibre Premium Wash Mitt, 3-pack | Canadian Tire (http://m.canadiantire.ca/en/automotive/cleaning-products/accessories-tools/wash-mitts/simoniz-microfibre-premium-wash-mitt-3-pack-0397030p.html?utm_campaign=bazaarvoice&utm_medium=SearchVoice&utm_source=RatingsAndReviews&utm_content=Default)

2. What soap would guys recommend for me given my current situation? I had been considering DG901, Optimum etc, but am starting to wonder if I need something stronger like CWG.

3. I always see guys using IronX prior to claying, but I'm not sure if it's applicable to me. Should I be using IronX, and if not is there an alternative product I should use prior to claying?

If you guys have any answers or other suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate your input

Thank you

06-03-2015, 06:49 PM
1. JMHO, if you are using two buckets with grit guards and using good technique, even "cheap" wash mitts will be fine.

2. You don't want a soap that strips the wax every time.

3. Yes, you should do an iron decontamination.

If you aren't going to machine polish, you can use an all-in-one wax/sealant. You'll also need some products and tools for the wheels and tires, and an assortment of different microfiber towels.

06-04-2015, 01:41 AM
Thanks! The two bucket method was the one I was going with.

What soaps would you guys recommend that would be both good for stripping the paint, and would also be good for maintaneence washes?

Would an all in one sealant slowly polish away my clear coat if used regularly? I read Mike Phillips article regarding the difference between cleaner waxes and finishing waxes but I'm still a little confused about all of it.

Thanks a bunch

06-04-2015, 03:16 AM
I use optimum car wash for both maintenance washes and to strip (by adding apc). No need to have two separate shampoos

06-04-2015, 07:29 AM
If you are not going to polish, I am sort of not understanding why you would want to move away from touchless. I understand that you have to start somewhere and that you want to avoid further damage, but I would just go all out at this point.

If you are not ready to go all out, here is what I would do to get your feet wet....


You will be amazed even with these 3 simple steps.

06-04-2015, 12:06 PM
Thanks for chiming in guys.

I want to move away from touchless so I can properly decontaminate and protect my paint. I'm not concerned with the appearance at this point, just proper care and protection.

I mostly want to hold off on polishing because I know I'm inexperienced and will most likely swirl the paint when drying it. I also should mentioned that there's construction all over my street and that my vehicle accumulates a layer of dust and debris throughout the day. If polishing is the only way to remove certain contaminents before sealing Id like to do it, but again my primary concern right now is protection.

If you are constantly using an all in one will it eventually eat through the clear coat? How often car you safely use an all-in-one on a car that you plan to keep for another 10 years?

Any other suggestions for products that are great for very soiled cars, and also acceptable for maintaneence washes?

Thanks guys!

06-04-2015, 01:07 PM
If you are constantly using an all in one will it eventually eat through the clear coat? How often car you safely use an all-in-one on a car that you plan to keep for another 10 years?

Technically yes, but you shouldn't need to constantly wax your car. A couple/few times a year isn't going to eat through the clear coat. In addition, you can use a spray-on wax or sealant, so you can protect the paint further without buffing.

06-04-2015, 03:43 PM
Okay, great! I'll pick up some all in one then! After using the all in one could I additionally coat it with wgdgps, or would it have a negative effect or be too pricey? I'd probably strip the wgdgps in September, and re apply it for the winter.

It looks like I may have to just go with two different products for stripping and washing, or add APC to a soap as suggested by Jimbob. The CG CWG says that you can dilute 1oz to 4 gallons for just a regular wash, but I'm not sure if I'd trust that. Would you guys?

Thanks for the replies and for putting up with these newbie questions guys. Ive done a lot of research but I've still yet to connect all the dots.