Coffee and Cars - Help!


New member
Mar 21, 2015
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My wife just came home and said she spilled coffee on her front passenger seat - light colored fabric. Any suggestions on how to clean this while it's still wet? (2 creams, 4 sugars). Apologies for being redundant with respect to the "quick chat" area. After writing there I saw the suggestion that it is just for small talk and not for questions. Thanks to all and have a great weekend.
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Dampen with your favorite stain remover and thoroughly suck out liquid with the most powerful wet vac you can find. Try not to saturate to keep out of the seat foam. Good luck.
You'll also need a spotter for tannins to kill any staining. Example:

Acid-fortified carpet spot cleaner. Formulated to attack coffee stains, tannin-based
(alkaline) stains, rust, and oxidized organics in carpets and upholstery. Perfectly safe for
5th generation carpet. Unique cleaner can also be sprayed on carpet to remove alkaline
Thanks so much for the info... turns out she cleaned it up pretty well before she came in, so I didn't have much to deal with. I'll hit it ASAP and I do have a wet-vac so I can make sure the foam doesn't get soaked. Coffee only smells good in a cup. Thanks again, I appreciate it!!!