V7 experience!


New member
Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hey y'all,

Just wanted to throw my .02c into the fire.
First off, my buddy Don in Alameda shipped me some
CG V7 gratis. Thanks Don, may have never tried this
awesome product otherwise. Second I just wanted to add
that I have applied this to both Menzerna PL & Colli 476 after
washings to spruce up the shine. Both vehicles look incredible, drippy shine +. The only reason I mention this is I read two posts that said V7 doesn't play nice with the affore mentioned. My point in this post is don't always bake your cookie in someone else's oven. V7 is one of my favorite products and will remain so. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :buffing:



Carry on.
Glad you like it. Easy to use, looks good, but doesn't last too long. But for how frequently you clean your cars, durability isn't an issue. Carry on buddy!
I use V7 as a QD in between all washes. I use Power Lock on everything. Never had an issue
Hey y'all,

Just wanted to throw my .02c into the fire.
First off, my buddy Don in Alameda shipped me some
CG V7 gratis. Thanks Don, may have never tried this
awesome product otherwise. Second I just wanted to add
that I have applied this to both Menzerna PL & Colli 476 after
washings to spruce up the shine. Both vehicles look incredible, drippy shine +. The only reason I mention this is I read two posts that said V7 doesn't play nice with the affore mentioned. My point in this post is don't always bake your cookie in someone else's oven. V7 is one of my favorite products and will remain so. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :buffing:



Carry on.

Are you talking the detail spray? If so, i too love that stuff! awesome shine, leaves paint very smooth and glossy

Have you tried the V7 soap yet? id like to get a few honest reviews of the soap!
Hey y'all,

Just wanted to throw my .02c into the fire.
First off, my buddy Don in Alameda shipped me some
CG V7 gratis. Thanks Don, may have never tried this
awesome product otherwise. Second I just wanted to add
that I have applied this to both Menzerna PL & Colli 476 after
washings to spruce up the shine. Both vehicles look incredible, drippy shine +. The only reason I mention this is I read two posts that said V7 doesn't play nice with the affore mentioned. My point in this post is don't always bake your cookie in someone else's oven. V7 is one of my favorite products and will remain so. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :buffing:



Carry on.

V07 rocks! I use it as QD, drying aid, etc... And love it!
V7 also smells great :xyxthumbs:
Smell reminds me more of Orange Julius from malls back in the day.
Smell reminds me more of Orange Julius from malls back in the day.

Man, I loved me some Orange Julius'. There was always a kiosk at the local mall. Damn, why did you have to go and mention the Julius. It's a 102 here today and now all I have is the fond memory of OJ's to try and keep me cool. Aaaarrrrggghhh!!! :buffing:
Orange push-up pops is what I always smell.

Noooooo!!!!!! Stop the onslaught. Went thru Orange Push-Ups like a Vulture on roadkill, when I was growing up. :buffing: I do intend on FULLY growing up one of these days, I'm in no hurry. Thanks AFS.

