Tuff Shine Tire cleaner & Megs D163 w / Carrand brush


New member
Mar 26, 2012
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Well today I decided to try the Tuff Shine tire cleaner and Carrand Brush everyone has been raving about... I see what all the hub bub is about now!!!

First up was the Formula, I didn't use the Tuff shine on these cause frankly I forgot to go get it.

Both Cleaned with Meguiar's D143 & Mothers curved tire brush + various wheel brushes
Dressed with Meguiar's D163 & Carrand Brush

These have about 110 miles on since doing the cleaning. What I noticed while applying the D163 with my new Carrand brush is that the brush got VERY dirty. I thought the NAW&T cleaner would do a better job than it did considering the foam was white! I had to spend about 5 or so minutes with some Meguiar's APC and a towel to clean it up.

Then came the Bonneville's turn at some love.

Cleaned with Tuff Shine tire cleaner and tuff shine brush
Wheels cleaned with Poorboys Spray N Rinse with various brushes
Dressed with Meguiar's D163 & Carrand Brush

The first pass with the TS (About 8-9 sprays) the foam was VERY brown so I decided to do a second pass with a little less product (4-5) and the foam was now white. Applying the D163 this time with the tire clean left no build up in my carrand brush! :xyxthumbs::xyxthumbs:

I would easily give the Tuff Shine, D163. and Carrand Brush a solid 9 out of 10
The Poorboys wheel cleaner gets an easy 8 (only took off points cause its really not spray and rinse completely but it brightens the wheels like crazy as you can see in that pic)
The Meguiars Non Acid wheel cleaner still gets a respectable 7.6 cause it does a decent job cleaning both the wheels and tires in one product.
Nice. I'm a fan of D163.

What was your dilution for D143? I never had a problem with my carrand brush turning brown when using D163 after D143. I use D143 at 2:1 more of the time.
Pretty sure that was my 2:1 bottle. Those tires probably have a couple layers of Endurance Tire Gel on them from before when I didnt have a good tire cleaner. I have always been very happy with D143 in the past. I think it may be more the tires fault than the 143
The carrand brush rocks! Use it with my opti-bond. Going to have to order two more soon.