First impression of BOSS 21


New member
Mar 6, 2011
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I just recieved my new boss 21 yesterday. NOw i've had the flex 3401, and i just sold my rupes 21 so i can compare those three because thats what i had experience with. I can't express how smooth this machine is. THe rupes was pretty smooth but it still vibrated some. THe boss, none. I couldn't believe how it felt. THe smoothness, and the feel of it in my hands was better then the other machines i had. Also the cord was very flexable. THat was one thing i hated about the rupes 21 it was so stiff it was a pain to work with sometimes. The switch is very good and well thought out. ITs nice to have full power right away if needed. Also the lock was so easy to use. THe rupes could be a pain to lock in certain positions while detailing a car. As far as the power. I pushed extreamly hard on it on a edge and it slowed down a little but not as much as the rupes. I'm very happy with it so far, it improved on the things i didn't like about the rupes. Now i really liked my rupes and i had no intention to sell it until the boss came out. As far as the price. I don't have a problem with it because its in line with the other polishers in that class. Its a well built machine i hope to get many yrs out of.
Great information from a first hand past owner of two of the most popular machines and the newest kid on the block. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the write up! I have a new 2 week old flex 3401 and now have a new Boss 15 on the way. If I love the Boss as much as I hope I will, the 3401 will be up for sale shortly!
Thanks for the write up! I have a new 2 week old flex 3401 and now have a new Boss 15 on the way. If I love the Boss as much as I hope I will, the 3401 will be up for sale shortly!

Looking forward to hearing your review too. I love the GG21, I have the 5" plate too.
Good to hear! Congrats on the new toy and thanks for sharing your feedback! :dblthumb2:
Looking forward to hearing your review too. I love the GG21, I have the 5" plate too.

Will definately share with the forum.

Will also review my experience with the DG 601/501 combo vs the BFTPS and then BFGEP I tried over the last 2 weeks.
Good to hear that it has less vibration, that's one thing I didn't like about the GG6, I always heard how the rupes was really smooth so this must be like a purring kitten.

Nice forum name...:props:
The noise level on the Rupes 21 is pretty good, how is it on the Griot21?
The noise level on the Rupes 21 is pretty good, how is it on the Griot21?

It about the same, but its a little lower tone. I was also using a rupes yellow pad and the griots correcting cream. Was impressed with the cream. I had a really long working time and didn't dust. It finished out just like the fg400 when used with the rupes yellow pad.
It about the same, but its a little lower tone. I was also using a rupes yellow pad and the griots correcting cream. Was impressed with the cream. I had a really long working time and didn't dust. It finished out just like the fg400 when used with the rupes yellow pad.

Do you think that the Griot pad would have made a difference?
Do you think that the Griot pad would have made a difference?

Not sure. I use the rupes yellow pad a lot with good results. I'm going to order some griots pads in the near future to try.
Not sure. I use the rupes yellow pad a lot with good results. I'm going to order some griots pads in the near future to try.

It's a great question.

On my GG21 I first used the Griots pad. My impression, it's really durable and the lower profile and it assures super smooth operation and it did the job very quickly. I then ran it with a standard LC Flat pad and their was a noticeable difference in the stability and smoothness of the machine. I noticed some warble, the pad appeared to not have complete contact around the outer circumference. It really likes the lower profile pads.

I then ran it with a Rupes pad. More stable than the LC pads but it definitely performs best with the lower profile Griots pad. The Griots pads are also a different foam composition. I have to admit I like the Griots foam composition the best.

When I first got my Rupes machines I did the same kind of testing with their pads vs. different pads, specifically LC and Buff and Shine.

I have another 6" pad I'm going to test.

I'm giving two thumbs up for the Griots. I do wish they were a a little less $$. I'll stock up on the next 20% off sale. And I'll treat them with kid gloves and clean them right away.

That being said, the Rupes and the Griots were both designed as systems.

I sell packaging systems and my mentor told me 25 years ago to quote a legend, " Son, you don't sell the razor without the blade "

But as detailers, it's in our nature to want to experiment and I will continue do so too.

Like many other forum members I try my best to put these comparisons in a positive light and steer away from negativity.

Without these great manufacturers and suppliers continuing to push the detailing envelope where we would be as detailers.

So I try to keep that in mind when I post reviews of products. Obviously I've slipped from time to time, but my intention has always been to be fair to the great manufacturers that AG represents and to AG as they provide us this great platform.
I just recieved my new boss 21 yesterday. NOw i've had the flex 3401, and i just sold my rupes 21 so i can compare those three because thats what i had experience with. I can't express how smooth this machine is. THe rupes was pretty smooth but it still vibrated some. THe boss, none. I couldn't believe how it felt. THe smoothness, and the feel of it in my hands was better then the other machines i had. Also the cord was very flexable. THat was one thing i hated about the rupes 21 it was so stiff it was a pain to work with sometimes. The switch is very good and well thought out. ITs nice to have full power right away if needed. Also the lock was so easy to use. THe rupes could be a pain to lock in certain positions while detailing a car. As far as the power. I pushed extreamly hard on it on a edge and it slowed down a little but not as much as the rupes. I'm very happy with it so far, it improved on the things i didn't like about the rupes. Now i really liked my rupes and i had no intention to sell it until the boss came out. As far as the price. I don't have a problem with it because its in line with the other polishers in that class. Its a well built machine i hope to get many yrs out of.

A lot of people say the larger throw machines finish better than the shorter. Do you think you got a better finish with the Rupes over the Flex?
It's a great question.

On my GG21 I first used the Griots pad. My impression, it's really durable and the lower profile and it assures super smooth operation and it did the job very quickly. I then ran it with a standard LC Flat pad and their was a noticeable difference in the stability and smoothness of the machine. I noticed some warble, the pad appeared to not have complete contact around the outer circumference. It really likes the lower profile pads.

I then ran it with a Rupes pad. More stable than the LC pads but it definitely performs best with the lower profile Griots pad. The Griots pads are also a different foam composition. I have to admit I like the Griots foam composition the best.

When I first got my Rupes machines I did the same kind of testing with their pads vs. different pads, specifically LC and Buff and Shine.

I have another 6" pad I'm going to test.

I'm giving two thumbs up for the Griots. I do wish they were a a little less $$. I'll stock up on the next 20% off sale. And I'll treat them with kid gloves and clean them right away.

That being said, the Rupes and the Griots were both designed as systems.

I sell packaging systems and my mentor told me 25 years ago to quote a legend, " Son, you don't sell the razor without the blade "

But as detailers, it's in our nature to want to experiment and I will continue do so too.

Like many other forum members I try my best to put these comparisons in a positive light and steer away from negativity.

Without these great manufacturers and suppliers continuing to push the detailing envelope where we would be as detailers.

So I try to keep that in mind when I post reviews of products. Obviously I've slipped from time to time, but my intention has always been to be fair to the great manufacturers that AG represents and to AG as they provide us this great platform.

Awesome detailed and informative answer. Now I won't 'wonder' about other pads when I get my Boss 15 tomorrow!
Ps. Was you experience based on what you read or hands on experience? Lol. Sorry - couldn't resist based on the other thread. :xyxthumbs:
A lot of people say the larger throw machines finish better than the shorter. Do you think you got a better finish with the Rupes over the Flex?

I don't think so. I think they both finished out the same, but to me the rupes and griots are easier for me to get there. To me there just smother and easier to work with. The flex was a great machine but with a bad back the rupes/griots was just easier for me. I wasn't as sore after using them compared to the flex.

I also tried lc pads on the rupes and they weren't as smooth as the rupes pads. I expect the same with the griots. I ended up liking the rupes pads, especially the yellow pads. For tuff corrections I always go to the maguairs pads.
Yeah I want to try the Griots MF pads when I have a real beast. Brownie said they are serious at major rapid correction when used with the GG system.
Do they offer the lifetime warranty on the machine. I have a warehouse close to me. I have turned my broken Griots DA in 3 times now. Man it's awesome to just drive 20 mins and get a brand new machine when one breaks. Would be nice if someone actually made a machine that would last longer. My shop is a graveyard of broken DA's (porter cable, UFM, mega.) then there are all the broken rotaries. Maybe one day I'll piece them out and build a Frankenstein.