YIKES...I Had No Idea


New member
Oct 15, 2006
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I had this much stuff! OK, I did know but when I laid it all out it's kind of overwhelming.:o
I was just going through all of my detailing stuff and organizing it (I know, hard to believe, me organizing something:D) and I thought I'd share this with you.


Very nice collection! I just bought a new storage cabinet at Home Depot for my stuff, and I really need another one to fit everything in!
So does this mean you aren't calling me to place an order soon!? :p
So does this mean you aren't calling me to place an order soon!? :p
I think if you run out of anything in the warehouse you can call me and place and order. How about I open a satellite AG store in the beautiful burbs of Chicago??
I think if you run out of anything in the warehouse you can call me and place and order. How about I open a satellite AG store in the beautiful burbs of Chicago??

Sounds good to me, you need to order some of those Home Depot shelves!
Oh ShMITT, that is a bunch of stuff!!!
Well I won't have much to trade with you. You have everything I have, and more!! Looks like a nice collection, I like all those gallons.
I think if you run out of anything in the warehouse you can call me and place and order. How about I open a satellite AG store in the beautiful burbs of Chicago??

very nice collection of products....AL417...i need to place an order :p
...if you where alittle closer i would hire you for my weekly washes...:righton:
very nice collection of products....AL417...i need to place an order :p
...if you where alittle closer i would hire you for my weekly washes...:righton:
It would be an honor and a privledge to be your private detailer.;)
Well I won't have much to trade with you. You have everything I have, and more!! Looks like a nice collection, I like all those gallons.
What?? These old things?:D
I think it is time now to admit you have a problem. Im the MAN
Let's start the first meeting....
Hi my name is Al and I need more products!:righton:
Sounds good to me, you need to order some of those Home Depot shelves!
Gorillla racks for winter, this for summer.

I just finished detailing the Honda Lawn Mower before I took this pic.
Maybe I do have a problem. :o
Admitting it is the first step.
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WOW all the products are from AG!!!

minus the 16
You're right.
When I find something good I always go back for more.;)

I have a few things that I picked up locally but not much. Last I looked I have 5 tins of #16.:o
This a very nice collection and a lot of nice stuff AL. I think it's a good idea not to lay all my stuff out. I'm better off not knowing.
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