Convince me...


New member
Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
To spend the $50.00 on Menz 106.

What are the benifits compared to the XMT polishes that I already have? Is it worth it? Why?

I'm using a PC7424 and LC pads.
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Go SIP instead of the 106FF just because it finishes about the same, and had a bit more cutting power
I can't comment on XMT since I've never used it, but you could do a search, I'm sure there are tons of good reviews about it...
i havent used the XMT so i can help you there..Menz is a great polish a little tempermental to the elements though..with that being said it is a great polish and will almost finish down last step ready leaving a sweet finish behind..

look up Nicas work he uses the Menz line with phenominal results..AL-53 is another who is familiar with the entire line..i used PO85RD on my own car can see it my avatar
Thanks for the feedback. I've seen several amazing details on here with Menz polishes, but I've seen some really great ones with XMT, Poor Boys, Meg's, etc. too. I'm sure the Menz is a great polish, just wondering if it's better than the others and if so, if it's enough better to warrent the purchase before using up the polish that I already have. I don't detail professionally, or even "on the side", I take care of my cars and a few others occasionally for family. I probably won't do more than 5 - 10 polishes a year so I don't want to invest a lot of $$$ in product that will take me 10 years to use.
I own XMT and I own Menzerna, I started off with XMT with my PC and then I moved on to Menzerna. 106FF is a great, superb product. You can achive great which is better XMT or really comes down to a personal preference. I prefer Menzerna because of it's woriking time and how it finishes off. Now keep in mind I use a rotary now not a PC so I find that Menzerna is a better fit for me with the rotary, XMT dries up to fast for me...but like I said it comes down to personal preference.

I can show you the power of Menzerna but pictures are one thing, real life experiance is something else. Not sure if this will help you but just sharing my $0.02
It's probably not worth it to everybody.. vs. the XMT, it finishes clearer and adds a noticable amount of gloss.. Not a whole lot of bite in my experience.. Will knock out light swirls, but thats about it.. I do all my correcting before the 106 even touches a pad. Works best for me. I have yet to try it on a cutting pad though. White with a PC or even finer on the rotary.

As far as the Menz not getting along with the weather.. I have not had a problem with anything but the SIP.. But when it works, its amazing as well.. PG and 106ff have never given me a hint of trouble. But I don't polish in the sun or on hot panels either.

edit: I have found that pictures really won't show the difference (at least the ones I take).. Its something you have to see for yourself..
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Thanks for the feedback. I've seen several amazing details on here with Menz polishes, but I've seen some really great ones with XMT, Poor Boys, Meg's, etc. too. I'm sure the Menz is a great polish, just wondering if it's better than the others and if so, if it's enough better to warrent the purchase before using up the polish that I already have. I don't detail professionally, or even "on the side", I take care of my cars and a few others occasionally for family. I probably won't do more than 5 - 10 polishes a year so I don't want to invest a lot of $$$ in product that will take me 10 years to use.

i understand what your saying..if your happy with the products you have then by all means use them...definately use what you have first..there is a sample thread here..maybe someone would be willing to offer you up a few OZs of Menzerna to try....
But when it works, its amazing as well.. PG and 106ff have never given me a hint of trouble. But I don't polish in the sun or on hot panels either.[/QUOTE]
Dan lucky for you you haven't had a bad exp..IMHO theres not a polish that won't that won't be temermental to the heat and humidity..OPT is about the only one that plays well in the conditions i listed above..PBs is another very hard product to work with..
I have had the bad experience with the SIP... Really I've been fighting it all this week for some reason, even though I would think the weather is better for Menz now than its been most of the summer.. But like I said, no problems with either of the other products for me on either machine.

Of course, now that I said that, neither one will work for me tomorrow when I need them lol...
Nica: I've seen some of the work you've done - I don't think all the credit can go to the products though, I think your results speak for themselves regardless of the products you use.

DanTheMan: Thanks for the information, if it really "finishes clearer and adds a noticable amount of gloss" it might be worth it for me. I just don't want to spend the cash for the "in" product if I can't tell a difference in the end.

JoeP: It's hard to decide if I'm "happy" with the products I have or not, they're the only polishes I've used to date (I'm fairly new to the whole machine polishing bit). I posted a request on the sample thread a few days ago (also listed some products I'd be will to send samples of - feel free to check it out and let me know if I have anything you'd like to try) but so far no offers.
PO106FF is the best all around/finishing polish...Works well on hard clear coats...
I have yet to use anything that comes as close as 106 for the extreme gloss it finishes with. I don't think I have done a detail without it or micro polish. I may experiment with the 85rd when I run out of 106, but that's just b/c I want a product with the absolute highest gloss and so far 106 is it. Check out my S & S's, especially on the black ones. Like Nica have to see it in's jaw dropping to say the least.
you'll kick yourself later when you find that you should have purchased much soon.
Ok guys you win...

Just placed my order for some 106!

Also getting:
SC Grime Destroyer
Amazing Roll Off
and the Edgeless microfiber polishing cloth triple pack.