Issue with pressure washer and water tank


New member
Sep 17, 2014
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I have a 35 gallon water tank going straight into a gas pressure washer. I'm having issues because the water in the tank isn't freely flowing, not quick enough anyway, to supply the washer with enough water to operate properly. Is this a matter of gravity or do I need some sort of pump? It's inconsistent and I'm worried that I'll damage the pressure washer. Any help or ideas are appreciated.

Here's my setup.

You may want to post what type of pressure washer you have. Some require water be pressurized some do not.
You need a pump. I have a sureflo on demand pump I don't use anymore. Already wired for 110v. PM me.
Looks like you need to mount the tank higher than the pump. To achieve more gravity
Is there a vent in the tank to allow air to get in, or to prevent a vacuum in the tank?

Or you could try it with the top cracked open. You may still need a pump though.
Yes the tank needs to be higher than your pump. A pressure washer does not like to pull water. The higher the tank the more pressure you will get. You can calculate the pressure using P=rgh Pressure = r(density of water) G=gravity(9.8m/s or 32.2feet/s h=height(in feet or meters). Make sure you units are constant. Also you can calculate the flow in GPM by the cross section area of the hose. Run the numbers and see what you need to get 3GPM.