View Full Version : Buffing hood with Xpel Ultimate

09-08-2015, 08:27 PM
Hey guys. Got my new Sierra Denali back from the ppf installer and he did a great job. That said, he mentioned, and I knew about, some light scratches down the hood most likely put in by the dealer at prep.

I want to, and know how to, remove those scratches with my PC but my issue is that it looks like the scratches go right to the edge of where the ppf starts on the hood. The kit covers about 22" of the hood and the scratches are from where the ppf ends towards the windshield about 6-8". Again, they are very light and can almost certainly be buffed out

My concern, however is how do I buff them out without messing up the edge of the ppf. I would be willing to bet the scratches go under the ppf as well, but of course with the film, you can't see any scratches under the ppf. I considered taping along the edge of the ppf and buffing the rest of the hood, but won't there be an obvious line where I didn't buff? Can I overlap the edge of the ppf with the buffer? How would you tackle this issue. Hope I explained it well enough. Thanks!

09-08-2015, 08:42 PM
Just start from the wrap outward going with the seam not against it. So instead of moving the buffer left to right and right to left just make passes in one direction. So if you were standing on the passenger side you'd move the polisher from right to left.

09-08-2015, 09:56 PM
Tape off all edges of the film

09-08-2015, 10:01 PM
Just start from the wrap outward going with the seam not against it. So instead of moving the buffer left to right and right to left just make passes in one direction. So if you were standing on the passenger side you'd move the polisher from right to left.

Do not do this

Instead; Evan.J's advice...tape it off and polish up to the tape

09-09-2015, 12:02 AM
Believe it or not...
The very first paint blemish (like a rock chip)
that the hood is going to get, will occur exactly
1/2 inch right above from where the "bikini-cut"
XPel PPF ends.

•With the vision of that first rock-chip now
firmly branded on the optic nerves...

1.) Now's the time to call your XPel installer and
tell him that you've been mulling over a few things
and have decided that you're wanting to remove the
"bikini-cut" piece of PPF that's currently on the hood;
that you're going to then "correct" the hood's paint;
and then have him install a "whole-hood" piece of PPF.

2.) So...
After that "bikini-cut" piece of PPF has been removed...
Polish the entire hood to your satisfaction.

3.) Next:
All that's left is the call back to your XPel
installer and tell him it's now time to install the:
whole-hood piece of PPF.

You'll be so glad you did!!


09-09-2015, 06:53 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. Won't I see a difference in shine, etc where the tape was? What I am envisioning is running a piece of tape along the seam so that about 1/8" is actually on the hood with the rest covering the seam and then on the ppf side. But if I do that and then polish the scratches out, will it not be noticeable that the 1/8" between the polished section and the ppf that was covered by the tape?

09-09-2015, 06:58 PM
Believe it or not...
The very first paint blemish (like a rock chip)
that the hood is going to get, will occur exactly
1/2 inch right above from where the "bikini-cut"
XPel PPF ends.

•With the vision of that first rock-chip now
firmly branded on the optic nerves...

1.) Now's the time to call your XPel installer and
tell him that you've been mulling over a few things
and have decided that you're wanting to remove the
"bikini-cut" piece of PPF that's currently on the hood;
that you're going to then "correct" the hood's paint;
and then have him install a "whole-hood" piece of PPF.

2.) So...
After that "bikini-cut" piece of PPF has been removed...
Polish the entire hood to your satisfaction.

3.) Next:
All that's left is the call back to your XPel
installer and tell him it's now time to install the:
whole-hood piece of PPF.

You'll be so glad you did!!

I don't actually have the bikini cut. That would only go about 6 inches up the front of the hood. Mine actually goes about 20-22 inches up the hood. So about a third or so. I do wish he had polished the scratches out before applying the film, but I am guessing he didn't see them until the film was already being installed. He really did a great job installing the film, I just want to remove the scratches without ruining the film job.

09-09-2015, 07:19 PM
I don't actually have the bikini cut. That would only go about 6 inches up the front of the hood. Mine actually goes about 20-22 inches up the hood. So about a third or so.

Matter of semantics...but:
Most of the XPel bikini-cut PPF sizes for hoods
that I've dealt with measures ~18-24 inches.

No matter:
It still doesn't take away from the fact
that you should go whole-hood, IMHO.

I'll reiterate:
You'll be so glad you did!!


09-09-2015, 07:24 PM
Thanks Bob. Unfortunately not an option right now - particularly given that I just paid for the kit that was just installed. I haven't even given it it's first wash yet. Going to do that this weekend. My AG order should be here tomorrow! I am still not sure exactly how to tape off the seam on the hood before I polish. Additionally, I may be overthinking it, but I don't want a noticeable transition area where I had the tape between the hood and the ppf seam. Does that make sense?

09-09-2015, 07:37 PM
Additionally, I may be overthinking it, but I don't want a noticeable transition area where I had the tape between the hood and the ppf seam. Does that make sense?

Sure does make sense...:xyxthumbs:

If your tape only overlaps ~1/4", or so,
I really don't think that the "transition"
will be that noticeable...way up there
on a Denali's hood.

You know what that old saying used to be:
"If you can read/see the transition:
You're too darn close!!


09-09-2015, 08:03 PM
Thanks Bob. I think I'll try it! I'll try and post pics when I'm done.