First detail (polishing question)


New member
Jul 9, 2013
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I just finished my first section of my first full detail. I'm doing my car by sections/panels since I don't have enough time to do the whole car at once. I am washing each section with citrus wash and gloss, ironx, nanoskin mitt. I have a GG6 with LC flat 5.5 pads. I'm using Menz FG400 with an orange pad and SF4000 with a white pad. I'm finishing it off with WGDGPS.

I have run into a few issues. I feel like I used up A LOT of polish when I only finished the rear (trunk and bumper) of the car. My car is white, so I have a hard time seeing if there is a wet trail left by the polisher. I am priming the pad with polish, but it seems to take a lot of polish to do so. After applying 3 pea size drops, it seems like the polish dries up as I'm polishing. Is there any tricks to see if I am overapplying or underapplying polish besides looking for the wet trail?

Am I moving the DA too slowly? Using too much or too little polish? Should I just go with the 3 drops and not worry about it if my working area is 20"x20"? Other than this issue of using so much product, I am very happy with how my first section came out.

Also, if I drive my car after applying my first application of sealant, what should my process be before applying the second layer? would a WW wipe down be enough or would I need to clay again?
Yes. You want to make sure the pad isn't "dry" feeling when you are done. I don't know your climate or your environment, but what nobody here will tel you is simply adding a few sprays of water or QD to your pad will make your polish go much farther.
Are you doing this outside ithe sun?

Fg400 is user friendly however in the heat it dries up fast.

Work in the cool shaded area or a garage.

If you were already in a garage, then humidity can play a big part of it.

Use water when the polish dries to re-activiate the polish
I am working in the shade but in hot hawaii weather. I'm confused about the qd spray. Should I or should I not use it. So prime the pad, add 3 drops, polish, then a spray of qd on to the pad when it dries to finish that section off?
Try using less polish and it doesnt have to be quick detail spray.

Your polishing for crying out loud, you dont need polymers, synthetic gloss enhancers, for lubrication.

Use water and try less polish.

Give ur pad 2 squirts polish and if its still drying to fast squirt water on the panel and polish.

If not you have to try to find a cool shaded garage
If your priming the pad with too much product.

That can be your issue.

Don't prime your pad if its that hot.

As the hot weather is drying your polish on the pad making your pad useless.

Put 4 pea size dots on the pad (without priming) spray 2 squirts of water and you should be fine

Now if your polishing in 80-90 degree weather i wouldnt recommend its going to be harder and your going to get sub par results, and waste product.
Alright thanks everyone. I'll try this out on the next panel and hopefully it should solve my problem.