Getting harassed by property managers and police while detailing


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Dec 6, 2014
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Anybody here get harassed by property managers and police while detailing apartment complexes?

I started a job yesterday at this apartment complex. Scratch removal, engine, headlight, plus full interior. Rain and severe scratches slowed me down and could not finish the job last night. Property manager came out twice. First was to tell me I should be doing it "next" to their property, was on a public street because no work is allowed to be done on their property. Came back out a little later and ask me to move around the corner a courtesy but said he cod not force me to move because I am on pubic property. Talked to the owner. He said don't worry about. Stay where you are, people have their cars detailed all the time there. Whatever, no more issues last night.

So I'm back this morning. I'm working on the headlights and the police roll up. Run tags and check my license and tell me to stop. Recommend I work where I was yesterday or go to a public parking lot.

Talked to management. They say find a parking lot.

Talking with customer now and trying to figure out what to do.

You have to get permission to work on anyone's property.
My customers must ask before I show up and if I get kicked off the propertie I still get paid. It's the customers fault if I get kicked off.
Anybody here get harassed by property managers and police while detailing apartment complexes?

I started a job yesterday at this apartment complex. Scratch removal, engine, headlight, plus full interior. Rain and severe scratches slowed me down and could not finish the job last night. Property manager came out twice. First was to tell me I should be doing it "next" to their property, was on a public street because no work is allowed to be done on their property. Came back out a little later and ask me to move around the corner a courtesy but said he cod not force me to move because I am on pubic property. Talked to the owner. He said don't worry about. Stay where you are, people have their cars detailed all the time there. Whatever, no more issues last night.

So I'm back this morning. I'm working on the headlights and the police roll up. Run tags and check my license and tell me to stop. Recommend I work where I was yesterday or go to a public parking lot.

Talked to management. They say find a parking lot.

Talking with customer now and trying to figure out what to do.


Stick with the police recommendation. Tell the car owner you will not be coming back if it keeps happening.
First was to tell me I should(meant to write "should not") be doing it "next" to their property, was on a public street because no work is allowed to...

I was working on a public street. Even the manager said he could not make me leave. There was also a mobil mechanic working out there too that he had told the same thing. The mechanic was also out there working today, but showed up after this happened.

The cop was cool about it, and said he couldn't believe that he had do this to person trying to make an honest buck. Said a citizen called and complained about me operating a business in the street. He seemed to think it was someone in one of the house across the street. This is a total dead end side street, and cars are allowed to park were I was.

Do the police have any right to tell me I cannot work on a public street?

Luckily, the customer's girl friend was home and had recently worked for the same police station which is basically next to the apartment complex. She walked down and talked to them and then went and told the manager to leave me alone.

This sucks because it is nice wealthy area and I have already picked up three other jobs just from people stopping and talking to me. First one is tomorrow.
Guess it could depend on local ordinances
As a former LEO, I doubt your state has any statue against it but your county/city probably does. Whether they choose to enforce it is another question. Check with your Clerk of Court or City Hall to see if there is a way for you get get a permit if one exists. Where I live we have individuals making an honest buck on the sides of street and parking lots doing BBQ, selling boiled peanuts and also car washes. If they don't bother anyone and don't impede the normal flow of traffic, we didn't bother them. Better doing that than being on the corner selling crack! Just because the cops get a complaint doesn't mean they have to make you move. Officer discretion ;)
If someone called the police because you were working in public, then that person has one miserable life!
One time I did a job in the parking garage and someone called the police on me, the cop showed up and started cursing out the person that called on me. He was completely on my side saying this guys a hard-working guy trying to run a small business and these people are just calling to make my job harder. I thanked him and continued my job to completion.
Thanks Burnt, I was thinking of stoping by the police station right there on my way in tomorrow.

Is the information from the Clerk of Court or City Hall usually available online? I'm not familiar with the town that it is in.
One time I did a job in the parking garage and someone called the police on me, the cop showed up and started cursing out the person that called on me. He was completely on my side saying this guys a hard-working guy trying to run a small business and these people are just calling to make my job harder. I thanked him and continued my job to completion.

And that is what I call an A+ officer
If someone called the police because you were working in public, then that person has one miserable life!

Yep, maybe. My have been partially my fault. Probably should have shut down earlier last night. Had to have the genny running to work, but they didn't call till after I showed up this morning. And by morning I mean 10:00. IDK?

One time I did a job in the parking garage and someone called the police on me, the cop showed up and started cursing out the person that called on me. He was completely on my side saying this guys a hard-working guy trying to run a small business and these people are just calling to make my job harder. I thanked him and continued my job to completion.

That awesome!
been there done that you will lose that battle.unless owner approves and informs his employees that it is cool to do on property case closed.
There is a fine line about insurance on his property if someone gets injured due to you're business ,I'm sure his policy doesn't say anything about conducting a car wash business there are many loop holes when insurance has to pony up.
Back into the belly of the beast today.

Here's where I was working. From the pic it looks totally desolate. Police station is just around the corner, houses on the left behind the tree line, and apartments are on the right behind me.

Based upon the picture above, technically, you're impeding the flow of traffic.

Is it something I would enforce? Given I deal with very few people with real jobs, probably not. However, my response would be proportionate with the stink the property owner makes about you being there, legalities of such and your general attitude towards me responding.
Just playing devils advocate here, but I wouldn't be too happy about this happening on the street in front of my house...although it doesn't appear to be infront of a house. So, say you live in one of the homes just on the other side of the tree line there and you purchased that home because it's quiet and no neighbor on that side, then you have to listen to vacuums and buffers, while on your patio, deck, or windows may not be so thrilled either. The complex should have an area specifically for car cleaning.
Stick with the police recommendation. Tell the car owner you will not be coming back if it keeps happening.

I agree. The police have guns, handcuffs and alternate living quarters complete with roommates.


I'd check with the landowner first, not the tenant, regarding car servicing on their property. If the owner says it's OK, get it in writing.
Anybody here get harassed by property managers and police while detailing apartment complexes?

I started a job yesterday at this apartment complex. Scratch removal, engine, headlight, plus full interior. Rain and severe scratches slowed me down and could not finish the job last night. Property manager came out twice. First was to tell me I should be doing it "next" to their property, was on a public street because no work is allowed to be done on their property. Came back out a little later and ask me to move around the corner a courtesy but said he cod not force me to move because I am on pubic property. Talked to the owner. He said don't worry about. Stay where you are, people have their cars detailed all the time there. Whatever, no more issues last night.

So I'm back this morning. I'm working on the headlights and the police roll up. Run tags and check my license and tell me to stop. Recommend I work where I was yesterday or go to a public parking lot.

Talked to management. They say find a parking lot.

Talking with customer now and trying to figure out what to do.


It is very important to be careful when working on pubic property!!!
Some a drunk a hole can take you out!
I had the cops show up when I was polishing a car in a driveway.

The cops said that there had been a complaint from the homeowner.

I let them know that they had been hoaxed since I was the homeowner and I owned the house next door to the driveway also. So it could not have been that "homeowner" either.

All the other property on my block is apartments. I suggested that if they get another complaint they let me know the persons name and I would take care of the problem.

The cops said 'I wish I could" and got back in their cruiser and I never saw them again.