Not Just VW

So these cars failed a different test. One not used by any emissions regulatory agency in any country.

This is like my kid getting a 1200 on the SAT, but then being given a test you make up. By failing your test, she is a failure and worthless.

Frankly, its just Huffington Post link bait...move along
Actually the story came from the "Guardian" & Huff reported it. Point is regardless of got caught or cheating, many other vehicles pollute more than VW. What's actually good here due to VW this has exposed other mfg's. Now everybody will have, to correct, which will be good for the environment. Also this shines a light on, how regulators have to appease industry, so as to get some regulation, the appeasement allows loopholes. Also the other cars mentioned exceeded permissible NOx, which is fail.

Who put pressure on who to allow, these non real life testing procedures to be a valid form of testing?

The goal is a cleaner environment, not pressuring regulators to allowing exotic testing, due to industry pressure.
Forget that,how about these school buses u ever get behind one of those,with windows closed and ac on,it's a death trap,and all these pickups with diesel blowing all this black smoke cause they modified it,or took off the poll restriction on the exhaust,yes vw should be held acct for what they did.why do we have a cancer epidemic ,it's attributed to these situations.
Forget what?

What maybe 30+ people on a school bus, should each of those parents drive the kids individually (own car) the amount of pollution & gas used exceeds that of the bus. Therefore emitting more pollutants into the atmosphere. Most buses have the tail pipe high up, so exhaust or less exhaust enters the car behind.

Modified vehicles are cheating the system, & those individuals Think, they know more than the regulators. Cheating is not the answer!

Yes VW should rightfully be held accountable!

Cancer is a much larger issue & causation, than just, tail pipe emissions.