Look for information about this paint protection the Dealer puts on car.


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May 10, 2014
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I have a customer that has a 2015 Jeep.she looking to get her car ready for the winter. She told me she paid extra for a protective coating on the paint that the dealer claims she does not have to wax her car for 5 to 7 years. Has anyone ever heard of this? How do I handed this?
Yes, very common. When I encounter this, I call the dealer and ask them directly what product they use. Or I call whichever "shop" installed it. So far in my area the longest lasting dealer installed coating is,I believe Simoniz coating, lasting 6-12 months. She needs to read her contract. She probably needs to get in reinstalled every year
My brother paid a grand at Audi I think it was autoarmer or a affiliate company.He lives in ny ,I'm from south fla.He said is car doesn't even bead water,he is a banker in nyc so I couldn't do it.They get the customers by there hype and rolls the 6 dollars in three payment so people do it .
Yes, very common. When I encounter this, I call the dealer and ask them directly what product they use. Or I call whichever "shop" installed it. So far in my area the longest lasting dealer installed coating is,I believe Simoniz coating, lasting 6-12 months. She needs to read her contract. She probably needs to get in reinstalled every year

When I bought my mustang the salesman had me watch a video on Simonize and wanted me to pay $600 for them to put it on my car. Knowing what I knew from here, I just smiled and said no thank you. He offered to knock $100 off and I said I'd pass.
Ages ago my car came with a paint treatment (I didn't pay for it...well not directly). It came with a 'guarantee' and a bottle of 'replenishment' that you were supposed to put on at a regular schedule. I did it once or twice and never noticed any value.

I later learned that the system is sold for its 'warranty', meaning that it offers a warranty to repaint your car if the paint fails while you have the 'protectant' on it. However, the warranty only works if you reapply the solution on regular intervals. Where they get you is if you never come back in for more solution...it means you didn't apply, and therefore the warranty is void. Of course they tell you to drop in if you need more, but don't say you MUST get more.

Oh and 15 years later the paint is fine, and after a good machine paint correction and polish, plus sealant, it looks better than the day I bought it.
When I bought my mustang the salesman had me watch a video on Simonize and wanted me to pay $600 for them to put it on my car. Knowing what I knew from here, I just smiled and said no thank you. He offered to knock $100 off and I said I'd pass.

Actually not a bad price, providing the car is prepped correctly. At the very least I polish every car I coat. Prep time on a brand new car I am coating is about 4 hours before I start applying the coating. Problem is, most local dealers coat over horribly swirled out finishes. My coating starts at 650 for reference.
Didnt see this thread until now so I started a nrw one. My wife treated me when I bought my new Accord 2 months ago, without telling me she bought an 8 year extended mechanical warranty, paint protection and a set of wheels and winter tires. I wouldnt have gone for it but she did out of love..... I wanted to know whats in the paint protection. I have a bottle of the "paint finish restorer" they gave me, no contents just asks to refer to MSDS, I tried that but its not there. I found a small number on the bottom right corner of the label R-0410, not sure if thats just a label number. Please dont say she was a fool to get it done, if thats your contribution,forget it, If you have any ideas I would love to hear them. Its up here in Canada, Platinum Protection by a company called "First choice Protection Products"
Didnt see this thread until now so I started a nrw one. My wife treated me when I bought my new Accord 2 months ago, without telling me she bought an 8 year extended mechanical warranty, paint protection and a set of wheels and winter tires. I wouldnt have gone for it but she did out of love..... I wanted to know whats in the paint protection. I have a bottle of the "paint finish restorer" they gave me, no contents just asks to refer to MSDS, I tried that but its not there. I found a small number on the bottom right corner of the label R-0410, not sure if thats just a label number. Please dont say she was a fool to get it done, if thats your contribution,forget it, If you have any ideas I would love to hear them. Its up here in Canada, Platinum Protection by a company called "First choice Protection Products"

First, I completely understand what your wife did. She's no fool. She just did not have the information (that very few people do) on what products are among the best.

I work for a dealer, and I can say this: Whatever they are selling is only to make a buck. They are not interested in giving you a long-lasting protection product.
Also, time is money. So the the quicker (re: Rush Job) that that they can slap it on, the better.

Give your wife a hug & kiss, ride out the dealer product, then polish and apply a product of your choice in the Spring.
Were I work we sell a package that will last for 7 years. After its done the paint just glows, but it never will last 7 years. The warrenty is for 7 years . Ive used it on my car and you can get 6 monthe out of it. They charge anywere from 1500.00 - 2000.00 dollars witch I think is outrages.. There are many spray waxes that a person car use on there cars once a month, and keep there car looking good for years. I guess some people just have too much money
Were I work we sell a package that will last for 7 years. After its done the paint just glows, but it never will last 7 years. The warrenty is for 7 years . Ive used it on my car and you can get 6 monthe out of it. They charge anywere from 1500.00 - 2000.00 dollars witch I think is outrages..

Yup, dealer snake oil.