Have I been doing something wrong this whole time?


New member
May 13, 2013
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I have been having issues with my sonax polymer net shield application lately.

I put it on and in the beginning it acted like it always did, beading like crazy, and now 3 weeks later its already dwindled down....

I know washing the car brings it mostly back, but today when I was washing I noticed something, mainly that when I was drying (I dry with air, then wipe any left over water away) as I would swipe the towel on the hood I would see the outlines in the water of things like leaves and other stuff that fell on the car before it evaporated away.

Am I doing something wrong here? Am I not getting the car completely clean?

The car was clayed, compounded, polished, and IPA'd before applying net shield.
It's also worth noting that my car is parked underneath a tree and we have had rain in the past few days the car was caked in fine dirt before I washed it
It looks like you need a more durable LSP, like a coating. Parking under a tree will destroy most sealants.
I use chemical guys honey dew for soap. I tried using dawn too and it's a little better but not by much.

You think I really do need to get a coating? I was honestly thinking the same
You also may have contaminants on top of the paint. Get a sandwich baggie and perform the baggie test to check for contaminants.
You also may have contaminants on top of the paint. Get a sandwich baggie and perform the baggie test to check for contaminants.

In three weeks? I know it could have a little bit of contamination but not that much after only a few weeks.
In three weeks? I know it could have a little bit of contamination but not that much after only a few weeks.
If you've been parking you car under a tree amd it's been raining then yes. It could be tree sap even if you don't see the stereotypical tree sap spots.

If you're see the outline of things that were sitting on your car from the tree, that would mean that there needs to be some sort of residue to "catch" the moisture and "stick out" right?
I use chemical guys honey dew for soap. I tried using dawn too and it's a little better but not by much.

You think I really do need to get a coating? I was honestly thinking the same

I wouldn't use dawn to clean your car, that's why your sealant isn't lasting
I wouldn't use dawn to clean your car, that's why your sealant isn't lasting

I'm not using it to wash my car, I said I tried it to help get this residue of whatever off....), also, dawn wouldn't removed a polymer sealant...
I'm not using it to wash my car, I said I tried it to help get this residue of whatever off....), also, dawn wouldn't removed a polymer sealant...
How did you use dawn to try and get it off?

I hope people aren't recommending using dawn on cars period. Like you said, it doesn't remove sealants. It's not lubricated like other car soaps, there's no dilution ratio for cars, it doesn't rinse well at all (obviously - it makes the water not bead up because it leaves a film behind) and there are better options for paint such as P21S TAW, Optimum Power Clean, and many other APCs.

The best way to strip LSPs is simple: use an ultra fine polish like SF4500. No soap is going to strip anything. I promise.