Armor all wax and polish vs wash and wax?


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Oct 13, 2015
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hi all, i cant decide if its a good idea to use armor all wash and wax and then use armor all wax and polish. Will the wax and polish get rid of the wash and wax wax layer? thanks for any answers.
There's really no substantial "LAYER" left behind from a wash & wax type product, especially a consumer grade product like Armor All.

So to answer your question, you should be fine using both products mentioned.

I would also recommend using a dedicated polish and then a dedicated wax or sealant, rather than an "All-In-One" type product mentioned above. However, there are quality AIO type products found at AG such as HD Speed or Menzerna 3in1.
Ok then thanks for the answer. So should i really be sticking to meguiars like products only?
Ok then thanks for the answer. So should i really be sticking to meguiars like products only?
They're much much better.

OTC, you can never go wrong with Meguiar's, Mother's, and Duragloss. They're OTC options are pretty much as good as anything else although I will say that Meguiar's abrasives like Ultimate Compound and Ultimate Polish are the only OTC options I'd use.

Armor All is much less effective on every level.

I would have no issues if all I had to use was Meguiar's Gold Class Shampoo and Conditioner and Meguiar's Ultimate Paste/Liquid Wax . Pretty much as good as a lot of other sealants in fact I've seen UPW last at least 8 months.
I felt like this deserves a separate post

We bash Armor All a lot and act like it will interact with our car like Holy Water on Lucifer. While they're "protectant" does the opposite and actually damages surfaces, the rest of their products are just not as good as Mother's, Meguiar's, and Duragloss and that is the true reason we don't use their shampoo, cleaners, and waxes.
ok haha it sounds like i should really be avoiding armor all then. and yes i have heard about there horrible "original protectant" product and also the greasy feel it leaves behind. Its just meguiars and mothers are so expensive! i guess there worth the extra dollars. cheers.
Armor all tire shine works pretty good in my opinion, I've never really used anything else to be honest though so maybe I'm just really missing out. This is after a month maybe even longer since I cleaned these tires and applied the tire shine!

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ok haha it sounds like i should really be avoiding armor all then. and yes i have heard about there horrible "original protectant" product and also the greasy feel it leaves behind. Its just meguiars and mothers are so expensive! i guess there worth the extra dollars. cheers.
Go ahead and look through Autogeek's store and you'll see it's relative.

Those waxes last a LONG time. You use VERY LITTLE product and the product lasts a long time. I don't think I'll ever use my bottle of Collinite up before I die. Maybe my grandson (when I have him since I'm only 20 now) will get to finish the bottle.

I have a bottle of Blackfire Wet Diamond sealant and I've done at least 15 cars and it's not close to empty.
That tire does look great man! Yea that sounds like some good wax if you reckon the bottle will last that long lol. might check that stuff out because thats good value if it lasts. Ive also got my eye on the meguiars ultimate quick spray wax. any views/ opinions on that product? thanks.
That tire does look great man! Yea that sounds like some good wax if you reckon the bottle will last that long lol. might check that stuff out because thats good value if it lasts. Ive also got my eye on the meguiars ultimate quick spray wax. any views/ opinions on that product? thanks.

Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Wax and Ultimate Quik Detailer are incredible! Easy to use, great results and smell wonderful.
AnthonyGXP pretty much answered your question.
Conman1395 made some good points on Armor All as well.

My advice presents a different path.
I may suggest using all the Armor All products you mentioned in your OP.
Once these products are used fully, or at least used enough to get a firm sense of the level of quality they offer, then move on to Meguiars Ultimate line of retail products.
If you have a second vehicle, go ahead and finish one with the Armor All line of products and the second one with Meguiars.

Do a forum write up comparing the results.
Take lots of pictures.
Be completely fair and objective in your findings.
Also give the products enough time and real world testing to reach true conclusions.

I can't speak for the Armor All products you have mentioned as I have no memory of ever using them or trying them.
I have tried some Armor All products.
People need to realize that 2015 Armor All is not 1985 Armor All.

Armor All products I have used.
- Interior Detail Sprays.
They have a handful of these with various scents as well a natural finish detailer.
All are excellent.
I like to use the scented ones on work trucks, as that adds a nice touch and work trucks usually need some type of odor bomb.

- Original protectant.
I use this on tires from time to time because I still have a big bottle of it that I purchased a while back.
The suggestion that this product makes the intended surfaces to be used on prone to cracking or drying out is ridiculous.
I know where this comes from, regarding the legal case from a former AA employee, but that is either way over stated or just flat out fabricated.
I think the issue with this product s the over-application by most users, not the product itself.

- Armor All Auto Glass.
Simply the best Auto Glass cleaner I have ever used.
Better than D-120, better than Perfect Clarity.
This product is simply awesome and has countless uses other than auto glass.
I felt like this deserves a separate post

We bash Armor All a lot and act like it will interact with our car like Holy Water on Lucifer. While they're "protectant" does the opposite and actually damages surfaces, the rest of their products are just not as good as Mother's, Meguiar's, and Duragloss and that is the true reason we don't use their shampoo, cleaners, and waxes.

Armor all protectant does not damage anything. It's a water based dressing.
Ok then cheers for the replies. It's interesting to hear different opinions on the armor all products. thanks!
Obviously we are supposed to recommend autogeek sold brands but why not try out the armor all products and see if you like the way they look and tell us about it. Don't forget consumer reports rated black magic wet shine liquid was #1 like 10 years ago.

My guess would be the longevity will be less than the autogeek sold products.
For the price of admission - it's silly not to try stuff like AA or Turtle Wax products. In my experiences they worked as well as a lot of boutique stuff that costs more.
I really like the Armor All natural finish detailer. It is actually more of a cleaner than a dressing.
I do not like armor all as it has in the past, dried out and cracked dash boards. For a wash and wax person, I guess they are okay. They are not great at all and makes everything greasy and collects alot of dust. I tried their extreme tire gel which was not bad but still far from great. I now stick to AG stuff because the price I pay gets me alot of quality product for the money.
I would put AA at the bottom tier of detailing products. Not all are bad and your wash & wax AA is probably fine for a daily driver, but, as many have stated, there are other better products (OTC) for close to the same price. I like Mother's w/Carnuba for the occasional "just gonna' wash & dry" my car. If I really want to detail my car I use a dedicated wash, then clay bar (usually mild), then get into polishing any defects, etc. etc. but would never use AA for serious detailing.
Ok then thanks all for the answers, i like to read other people views on products.