Felt rear wheel wells?

Mike Honcho

New member
Apr 20, 2015
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My Lexus has normal plastic front wheel well liners. No problem cleaning. The rears are a felt-like material. Big problem cleaning. All kinds of debris stick to it like a magnet. Any ideas on how to clean these?
I blot the felt with a rag soaked in ONR to remove as much as i can. Then I spray it with aerosol dressing. It is still not perfect
I use the Mothers red wheel well brush, does pretty good.
My wife's Hyundai Sonata has the same felt-like material on the rear wells. Drives me nuts for the same reasons you've described. I take a small brush to it - not ideal but it's a dd.
Just flush it with a hose,keep the nozzle 2 inches away on fan spray it flushes everything stuck to it and beyond.
It's hard to get any type of brush in there since the clearance is so tight. Flushing with the hose didn't help at all, it's a pretty coarse felt material. I'll try my floor jack next time to increase the clearance and try and "brush" the felt clean.
It's mostly mulch and pine straw needles that get stuck in it.
Power washer up close and personal works ok on wife's Toyota. Amazing the amount of sand that just keeps coming out during the winter washes.
I use a combination of the water nozzle on jet mode and a ez detail brush and/or the mothers red wheel brush
I get it good and soapy wet then brush it well. I have a tight clearance too but can come in from the bottom of the well with my brush. Works for me.
Power Washer is the best.

When I talk detailng, it is Eco Friendly and never with a water source. That is why I was using ONR and a terry towel blotted on to the felt to clean it. A very soft wheel brush would also work
How does every one clean the felt without a water source?
i have a car with these in the rear and a car with them all around.

i rarely have to use more than the hose to get every single thing out. i just flood the heck out of them and put the sprayer on the hardest stream and hit them hard in an organized pattern. on rare occasion i will spray some Power Clean and agitate a bit with a Daytona.

my wife ran over an exploded container of some sort of industrial expanding foam. it got all over the place including all four fabric wheel wells. a power washer obliterated every single piece of that junk. so, that is my last stop if the regular hose doesn't do anything.
I'm just concerned that my pressure washer will do damage to the liner. I might try the wet/dry vac.