Removing glass coating


New member
Jul 11, 2014
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I currently have PBL glass coating on all my windows. What is the best way to remove the coating to reapply?
It should be clear so why bother removing it? If it needs a clean up, just do what Bob suggested.
I'm not sure I follow. When a window coating is failing, what is the proper procedure to reapply?
What are the metrics you used
to determine that it was failing?

When there is poor beading characteristics. The coating won't last forever so I'd like to know the proper way to prep before reapplying.
I polish my glass once a year or so... but my 22ple VG1 will need a boost more often than that, so I simply wash, clay, alcohol wipe and reapply every 3-6 months to ensure optimal performance.
zmcgovern45, Are those steps removing the coating or more of a maintenance type step?
zmcgovern45, Are those steps removing the coating or more of a maintenance type step?

There is no reason to try to remove if you're just reapplying.

The steps I mentioned are what I do before applying a new layer to my windshield.
I never had a problem with wiper chatter until I "coated" my windshield. Yes, I cleaned it, clayed it, cleaned it again and then applied a very well respected coating.... worked great for a while, then started to chatter after just a regular cleaning with Invisible Glass..... this has been going on for a year and cannot get rid of the chatter..... yes, I've replaced wipers with 3rd party and OEM wiper blades.... I even got so desperate as to use the razor blade Larry Sarilla (sp) and 0000 steel wool..... the windshield looks sooo clean, but, I get chatter no matter what I do.
So, what's the ultimate of getting the product off my windshield and back down to just glass..... I may start over with a coating..... and may not bother with the exception of just good ol' Rain-X..... doesn't last long, but, no problem with getting it off either.... H E L P ! ! !
shagnat, did you coat the wiper blades as well? I know that many of the glass coatings for windows recommend this step.

shagnat, did you coat the wiper blades as well? I know that many of the glass coatings for windows recommend this step.

No did not coat wiper blades. IMO that wouldn't make sense as the blades are meant to be pliable and soft. I would see doing that as a negative.
reviving an old thread. i put 22ple vg1 coating on and need to remove it. is there anything short of glass polishing that will remove it? some tight corners to get it out of too...

reviving an old thread. i put 22ple vg1 coating on and need to remove it. is there anything short of glass polishing that will remove it? some tight corners to get it out of too..


I polish my glass once a year or so... but my 22ple VG1 will need a boost more often than that, so I simply wash, clay, alcohol wipe and reapply every 3-6 months to ensure optimal performance.

Otherwise you would scrape with a razor blade using glass cleaner as a lubricant, then you can polish as necessary.
I use McKees Glass Restorer to polish my windshields prior to reapplying. Its usually what I will use to prep a customer's windshield too. If the water spotting was bad then I will use the Carpro glass polish