Rupes mini 3" or Griots 3"????


New member
Dec 6, 2013
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I have a Griots 3" and it is worthless....not cutting power at all.

I am thinking about picking up a Rupes 3". Can anyone tell me if it is much better at cutting and polishing that the Griots 3"?

Which Rupes 3" model do I want?

Lastly, I have a Griots 5" polished also. It is the newest version. Would it be worth my while to pick up a Rupes 5"? Again, which model?

I only use these on my personal vehilces. However, the Griots 3" has zero cutting ability. The Griots 5" is nice, but I have nothing to compare it to.

Thanks everyone!!!!
Griots 3" requires bit more skills if you're trying do some heavy cutting, but it certainly has power to take 2000 grit sanding marks.

Rupes is amazing tool for how smooth it is and it's cutting power, but I usually don't recommend to people who only polish their cars and family members due to high price.

I am a weekend detailer and I picked up rupes 21es few months ago and still think.... maybe it was bit too much money for me, a person who works on around 2 cars a month.

by the way...

what was your pad and polish set up?
and what were you working on? removing water marks and swirls? or scratches?
Rupes is amazing tool for how smooth it is and it's cutting power, but I usually don't recommend to people who only polish their cars and family members due to high price.

I am a weekend detailer and I picked up rupes 21es few months ago and still think.... maybe it was bit too much money for me, a person who works on around 2 cars a month.

Hey if the pocket book can take it, the cost is in the eye of the purchaser.

I'm going to be rupes and I only have two cars to take care of, and don't plan on doing any weekend warrior projects.
Hey if the pocket book can take it, the cost is in the eye of the purchaser.

I'm going to be rupes and I only have two cars to take care of, and don't plan on doing any weekend warrior projects.

haha well thats why I said "usually"
I'd say the only DA mini options are
Rupes mini
Duetto with another brand 3in backing plate
And a certain mini from OPT
If you want a Rupes and can wait a bit
Wait for when gift certificates go on sale
I was using Griot's 3", Griots Blue and Orange pads (cut and polish) and M105. Had a few scratches that were deep, but didn't catch my fingernail. Griot's 3" wouldn't take them out. Even my Griot's 6" had a tough time using Meguirs red (cut) pad. My car is a black Lambo Gallardo.
I was using Griot's 3", Griots Blue and Orange pads (cut and polish) and M105. Had a few scratches that were deep, but didn't catch my fingernail. Griot's 3" wouldn't take them out. Even my Griot's 6" had a tough time using Meguirs red (cut) pad. My car is a black Lambo Gallardo.

First of all, NICE RIDE :xyxthumbs:

I think it will be helpful if you can post picture of the spot you are working on.

I am guessing, but I am more than sure black lambo has rock hard paint. So next thing you can try is cutting with microfiber pads and I personally love using menzerna on hard paints due to long working time.

Meg is great, but maybe you "ran out of time" due to short working time... Have you tried buffing same spot more than once?

and nothingface5384 suggest Duetto with after market 3" backing plate and I second this, with kamikaze 3" backing plate you have 2 machines in 1.

or Rupes LHR 75e + Rupes 21es/ 15es is great combo too.

Edit. If you get rupes, I highly recommend getting rupes pads as well for maximum smoothness.
I recently used the Rupes LHR 75e and I have to say it is a gem for your tool box. It is high in cost but the benefit out weight the cost.
I recently used the Rupes LHR 75e and I have to say it is a gem for your tool box. It is high in cost but the benefit out weight the cost.

I haven't used my Rupes mini yet, being winter
But I did plug it in and free aired it with out and with the supplied yellow pad, smooth!
Wish it had a freaking handle on head like the full size machines

I emailed both LC and B&S about making 3-4in pads for the Thin pro/low pro
Haven't heard anything from LC about Thin pros..
But B&S is definitely coming out with small pads for their low pro line which I'll def get..
I haven't used my Rupes mini yet, being winter
But I did plug it in and free aired it with out and with the supplied yellow pad, smooth!
Wish it had a freaking handle on head like the full size machines

I emailed both LC and B&S about making 3-4in pads for the Thin pro/low pro
Haven't heard anything from LC about Thin pros..
But B&S is definitely coming out with small pads for their low pro line which I'll def get..

Don't quote me, but I thought LC was coming out with small pads in their HD Orbital line.
Don't quote me, but I thought LC was coming out with small pads in their HD Orbital line.

When I asked about that when the HD pads first came out, my recollection was they said they had no plans to come out with smaller pads. So if that's true, it must be a new development.
Will this have too much power? Can you please tell me where and which 3" adapter and backing plate I would need?

Also, how does the Rupes 3" compare to the Flex 3"? I see the Flex is $100 less than the Rupes.

You can buy a 3" Backing plate for the standard Griots.

Isn't the 3" backing plate and pads just about the same diameter as the round metal guard on the Griots 6" the plate backs up to? I'd hate to be hitting parts of my car with the round metal guard. Thoughts?
I donated my GG3". I converted my PC7424 XP to a 1" to 4" DA. It's significantly better than the GG3". I have never tried the Rupes 3", however, I have YET ever seen a negative comment about it. It from what I hear is a great DA.