As PT Barnum once said...


New member
May 17, 2015
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"There's a sucker born every minute". Barrett Jackson Premium Car Care Products. Seriously ???
Then you have tried them all? I somehow missed your reviews on them.....
Well. since I only joined last May, I wasn't here.
Then you must not get out of the house very much:
They've been sold at many auto parts stores for
quite a while now; never here at AGO.

The world does not need any more brand names of auto detail products.
Unfortunately, this is trending.
I see a record setting over saturation of brand names to flood the market on the way.
Really, it is already taking place.

From a marketing standpoint, it seems like a good idea on paper.
From a professional detailers point of view, it can appear as one more white label brand on the store shelves.
Possibly taking away dollars from company's that make a living doing this, and doing a great job at it.

Who knows?
Maybe some of these products are actually good.
Then again, maybe they are just a white label brand of an existing product with a simple change in color and scent.

More info:
About Farécla | farecla

Barret Jackson Detail Products / YouTube
I see a record setting over saturations of brand names to flood the market on the way.
Really, it is already taking place.
Maybe some of these products are actually good.

I guess you could say this on just about everything the Sun rises on.


The world does not need any more brand names of auto detail products.
Unfortunately, this is trending.
I see a record setting over saturation of brand names to flood the market on the way.
Really, it is already taking place.

From a marketing standpoint, it seems like a good idea on paper.
From a professional detailers point of view, it can appear as one more white label brand on the store shelves.
Possibly taking away dollars from company's that make a living doing this, and doing a great job at it.

Who knows?
Maybe some of these products are actually good.
Then again, maybe they are just a white label brand of an existing product with a simple change in color and scent.

More info:
About Farécla | farecla

Barret Jackson Detail Products / YouTube
Actually, (on paper) to reach a specific target market or reach a segment your current products are not reaching, you change the branding and imaging to match the new target. For example: if your new target segment doesn't like your pink car wash with floral scent--you change the color and scent, change the name to match the target, repackage and put it out there.
I often wonder how often professional detailers identify their market, the people most likely to need their service and can pay for it, and market to that group.
Actually, (on paper) to reach a specific target market or reach a segment your current products are not reaching, you change the branding and imaging to match the new target. For example: if your new target segment doesn't like your pink car wash with floral scent--you change the color and scent, change the name to match the target, repackage and put it out there.
I often wonder how often professional detailers identify their market, the people most likely to need their service and can pay for it, and market to that group.

I agree with you as far as professional detailers go.

In regards to Barret Jackson specifically, I see it differently.
Based on the market strategy of Barrett Jackson products, I don't see a re-branding or a re-imaging in sight.
I certainly do not see a change in the target demographic.
Maybe a new alignment with a new selection of stores, but I doubt that as well.
If anything, a more aggressive and widespread message to the target demographic to come.

Barret Jackson as a company is on the move.
They are growing and expanding aggressively.
They do a great job at what they do, but it is always a risky thing to take on aspects that are not part of your core business.

Can it work? Sure!
Time will tell.