Rechargable Sprayer/Washer - Yes or no?


New member
Jan 20, 2016
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So I"m always looking for a way to improve things, waste less and better get the job done.

What I love about rinseless or less rinse type washes like Optimum and others is that they are fast and save me a lot of time. I do love me a good summer morning playing int he water but overall, it's not what I want to do every week and really can't do so in the winter.

I also like the fact that rinseless washes use less water and can be done just about anywhere including my garage which does not have a drain. I do have heat so winter washes are nice.

Other goals would be to have a bit more pressure to remove stubborn or more built up grime and or to use with my reverse osmosis system. Here I could just fill say a 3.5gal container and use it to rinse off my vehicles.

What are your thoughts, am I crazy, looking to waste money or does this idea have legs? Not in this for portable power for a business, just home use on my own vehicles and things.

The one I saw listed in the store here is a bit much for me. Great for a portable business but overkill for my needs.

Something like these are what I'm looking at:


Open to others they may come recommended.

Thanks in advance!
Why not pressure wash in the drive way and then pull inside for a rinseless?

Because in the winter temps here are anywhere from 32* to -14 at times. Too cold.

Could work in the summer but it would be nice not to have to mess with a hose and power cable, etc. Would be simple just to drop a rechargeable self-contained unit down and go at it. Pressure isn't much more than say a regular hose, but I can live with it.
I have the second system pictured and it's awesome, I replaced the hose and trigger with a coiled air hose and pressure gun trigger
I have the second system pictured and it's awesome, I replaced the hose and trigger with a coiled air hose and pressure gun trigger

^^ would you mind linking me even via PM to the hose and gun you upgraded it with?

many thanks.
Why not pressure wash in the drive way and then pull inside for a rinseless?
Because in the winter temps here are anywhere from 32* to -14 at times. Too cold.

But the units you listed below
are also pressure washers.

Don't you think that the 32* to -14* Winter temps
would also effect them because it'd be too cold?
Something like these are what I'm looking at:


So my answer to your thread-starter's
question is a resounding No.

But the units you listed below
are also pressure washers.

Don't you think that the 32* to -14* Winter temps
would also effect them because it'd be too cold?

I've watched some really good reviews from Amazon and they show it working to about the same as a garden hose in terms of pressure. That works for me as a power washer would be too messy in a 2.5 car garage like mine. What I like about it though is there's no need for a water connection and I can mix my No-Rinse solution right inside and it would be more powerful than the garden sprayer I'm currently using.

Should not be too cold at all as I have a heated garage.
Interesting idea. For applying pre-soak and light pre-rinsing it should work well. For heavier pre-rinsihing on vehicles like my Suburban with horizontal surfaces that love to hold heavy salt/sand/road spray (running boards, rear step bumper...) I'm not sure the portable unit has the volume I'd like.
Thank you

I'll pm you the links

Thanks again for your help.

Got mine all configured and working. Does a great job for what I'm looking to do in the garage for my modified rinseless wash system. Should do well in both summer and winter.

Looks awesome! It's definitely a nice little machine to have in the garage and for mobile use.
Looks awesome! It's definitely a nice little machine to have in the garage and for mobile use.

Yeah, I'm thinking this will be great for when I go to relatives house with my detail supplies to help with their cars. Love my mother in law, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't rather be in her driveway detailing a mail truck or the UPS Guys truck when I'm there :dblthumb2: Anything to get me outside!
Can you (OP) PM me the links to the coiled hose and gun? I think I found the pressure gun but just want to be sure.
Well that is more flow and pressure than i was expecting. I would think it would need to be refilled quite often and not the most effective at saving water.

Either way, it appears to be a step-up from a pump chemical sprayer.
Alright, I need this setup.

Will PM you

Can you (OP) PM me the links to the coiled hose and gun? I think I found the pressure gun but just want to be sure.

Will PM you

Well that is more flow and pressure than i was expecting. I would think it would need to be refilled quite often and not the most effective at saving water.
Either way, it appears to be a step-up from a pump chemical sprayer.

If you've watched the video in the Amazon reviews, yes it does put out more than most would expect from the stock hose and sprayer. However, with the hose and gun set up that I'll PM you it dramatically makes things more efficient and offers a way better sprayer and application pattern choice than stock for those of us using a No Rinse solution type method.

It's is way better and easier than a pressure sprayer, which BTW, I love using and have. I call this new system a "modified rinseless" as I actually do "rinse"

  • I pre-soak - and can do so effectively even on heavily soiled areas.
  • 1 bucket wipe with a series of fresh microfiber towels
  • final rinse or push of the after MF Towel wipe debris off the car. It's a quick though. Just an added measure.
I hope to do my wife's van this week and may link in a video. I'm more of a photo guy but will try.

One more shout-out to Dereksdtail for sending me the details on the spray gun and hose that I used to complete this set up. Check around too as the one connector I ordered via online is still in-route to me but I couldn't wait and just went to the local hardware and picked it up in the Pressure Washer section of the store. I can keep a spare as I have a compressor to use it on too.
Appreciate you guys Derek and pdqgp! I have mine ordered.
@pdqgp, @Dereksdtail--What a great idea! I'm definitely going to try this out.

I hope to do my wife's van this week and may link in a video. I'm more of a photo guy but will try.

Would love to see video if possible.
@pdqgp, @Dereksdtail--What a great idea! I'm definitely going to try this out.

Would love to see video if possible.

Will PMyou when I'm home.

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