Menzerna Top Inspection


New member
Apr 2, 2007
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Anyone else try this? Is it worth the price of admission?
Its a cool product to try, and fits well in the line, but it aint necessary if your saving your pennies.
Im hooked on that one, i love how it cleans up the paint after you wipe it down after the PC/rotary to inspect, also helps if some compound or polish sticks to the paint, just mist and wipe.. Im only using it when correcting paint, never after a cleaner or polish/sealer cos i got the feeling that i can remove the sealer/protection etc when aplyed, but im not sure about that..
Im hooked on that one, i love how it cleans up the paint after you wipe it down after the PC/rotary to inspect, also helps if some compound or polish sticks to the paint, just mist and wipe.. Im only using it when correcting paint, never after a cleaner or polish/sealer cos i got the feeling that i can remove the sealer/protection etc when aplyed, but im not sure about that..
alcohol and water mix will do the same.
alcohol and water mix will do the same.

Exactly. Im sorry, but why the hell would someone buy this when you can just use water/ alcohol? Is there any difference?
Spoiling good alcohol??? are you guys NUTS!!!!!

Im not sure if we can get that "alcohol" stuff in im sticking to the Menz TI
Spoiling good alcohol??? are you guys NUTS!!!!!

Im not sure if we can get that "alcohol" stuff in im sticking to the Menz TI

Well you've got a good reason then!
Anyone else try this? Is it worth the price of admission?

I use it all the time after compounding, polishing.
Carry a bottle with me and after work I will wipe
down the whole car and apply spray sealant or gloss enhancer
leaves the surface perfectly clean, will not strip a sealant and
Collinite 915 not sure about other waxes.
Is it worth it? Well that you would have to decide, nobody
can tell you it is or not ! For 20 bucks not like you are going
to be out much, to me yes it is worth it... :)

its a marketing thing!. i can put rubbing alcohol and water mix in a fancy bottle and call it the samething:D
its a marketing thing!. i can put rubbing alcohol and water mix in a fancy bottle and call it the samething:D

I truly doubt it is just the same. It was designed by Menzerna to use at the factory on new paint. So I suspect it is much safer. It does however work very similar to our homemade concoction and thus up to end user to choose which he should subscribe to.

What I will say is on a cured sealant, the Menzerna Final Inspection does not seem to remove it like the alcohol/water will. It doesnt cloud and you see it working more like a qd'er than a remover or paint prep.
Kinda pricey...for $20 I"d rather get a bottle of Spray Souveran...maybe it's just me...
I've just ordered this. I'll do a review of it when I use it.