Rupes 15 with non-rupes pads


New member
Jun 17, 2015
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So i got a rupes 15 (mk1) last week. I have buff and shine (the normal ones) pads, but was wondering, am I missing out by not having the rupes pads? Is the machine that much smoother/better performing with rupes pads or should I just stick my buff n shines? How have they held up for people on the rupes machines? Thanks
No you're not
I liked my Boss pads better then the Rupes.
The B&S low pro is what I'm using now..I like them better then the other two..
LC Thin pros may be a good option too
Theyll offer the most balance then all mentioned above..
I didn't like the fact that theirbwasnt a centering/cooling hole
I used my G15 with standard B&S 5.5" pads at first and it performed well, but then I had an opportunity to try the B&S Low Pro pads designed for long throw polishers. A world of difference--if you can believe it the G15 ran even smoother than with the standard B&S pads. I would think the Rupes 15 would behave the same with the B&S Lo Pros.
I like the Rupes pads but have been using the Meguiar's thin discs lately.
Remember, the Rupes Polishers were designed as a system. Sure like most everyone I've used numerous different pads on all my Rupes polishers and the Rupes are the best overall balanced pads for their machines. It doesn't mean I don't use other pads, but when the machines were designed they were designed and balanced around their pads.

My Griots G21 runs okay on regular pads but it is a dream with the Griots pads as it was designed around them and the balance of them. It's way smoother with the Griots pads.

On a job I did this weekend the G21 nad it's aggressiveness heated up B & S regular orange pads big time. I had to switch them out often or I would have blown them apart and they were all brand new.

I'm just trying to use up pads I have then I'm sticking with what's made for the machines.
The BS low pros are better then the Boss pads
At speed 4 there wasnt any inbalance
Speed 6 their was a very faint difference over the Boss
The Thin pros ran the smoothest out the 3..but have yet to use it on a job to see how much heat it creates due to lack of center hole

There was an obvious/notable difference how much inbalance the Boss and the low pros had compared to the smooth Thin pros at speed 6 on G21
thanks for the input guys. Gonna pick up a BS low pro and see how I like it
I'm have the mkii 21 and while I have been using the Rupes pads, I also use the lake country thinpro pads, hydro tech pads, and microfiber pads. I absolutely love the thinpro pads. I've been wanting to try the meguiars thin pads as well. Been sing good reviews in those as well.
personally looking forward to trying out boss pads with rupes 21es mark I

even tho I noticed pretty big difference in vibration when it comes to rupes pads vs non-rupes and great result with rupes pad+polish combo (I mainly use 21es for UHS system), I am not big fan of rupes memory foam like pads.

I find it pretty difficult to tackle curved panels with rupes pads.... or am I doing something wrong?
personally looking forward to trying out boss pads with rupes 21es mark I

even tho I noticed pretty big difference in vibration when it comes to rupes pads vs non-rupes and great result with rupes pad+polish combo (I mainly use 21es for UHS system), I am not big fan of rupes memory foam like pads.

I find it pretty difficult to tackle curved panels with rupes pads.... or am I doing something wrong?

Even switching to their (Rupes) microfiber pad will cause some vibration.

I never thought it would be enough to warrant a specific microfiber backing plate, but there is.
Youll be fine not using the rupes pads.

However they are nice pads.

I like the yellow. Green. And white alot.

I have the boss and the rupes pads work well on them.

The boss pads will also work well on your rupes.

Give the boss microfiber cutting pad a try they are bullet proof and last longer then the meguiars mf cutting pad