My issue with Rupes pads


New member
Jul 25, 2015
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First of all, I love rupes and not here to bash.
Just trying to find out if I am doing something wrong.

So I been using rupes with other manufacture pads such as meg thin pads, LC hydro pads and BS etc etc.

With those pads, I had.... not so smooth operation and after many recommendations, I got UHS pads and polish system.

With rupes pads, it was MUCH MUCH smoother and I had great results. But rupes memory foam like pads, I find it very hard to control is at even slightly curved panels, sometime throw polisher all over the place due to small gap between pads and surface. Oh and also very hard to wash the pads with pad washer.

Due to this issue, I find my self keep picking up my old PC 7424xp instead and looking into trying Boss pads instead.

Does anyone have similar problems or am I doing something wrong?
Any low profile pad will struggle on curved panels as they dont have enough material to bend and form to the contour to the panel.

What i typically do is put on a lake country flat pad as it is thicker to conform to the panel and that usually does the trick (as it acts like the boss interface pad for the boss pads)

Or use a smaller machine like the rupes lhr75e or pc with a 4 inch plate.

The rupes pads beside the yellow and white are on the stiff side especially if there new, so they will naturally stuggle in that area.
...I got UHS pads and polish system.

...Oh and also very hard to wash the pads with pad washer.

Indeed, the UHS pads are tough to clean, the compound stains are hard to remove.
What I do is pressure washer, from a safe distance, over a grit guard bucket.
The UHS pads are initially very, very stiff and do have a tendency to sling, especially if you are working on a curved panel.

I try to always start a new pad on a relatively flat surface. After one or two sections, they soften up and conform much better.

I only use rupes white, yellow and UHS. The white and yellow conform well. If I need something more aggressive, I use megs MF, I like them better than Rupes MF.
great info

Thanks all for the reply!