Bad interior smell and vents


New member
Aug 1, 2007
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I am trying to revive a guy's old Town Car. It sat for nine months in a garage dead. It was fun to watch the back end rise about a foot after the new battery kicked on the air pump for the suspension (like coming awake).
There is a 'wonderful' musty smell in the vents. I have found many odor products here. Is there a couple of products that seem to be really heads above the others? I recently read some forum messages here on the clean air kit that seemed very positive. The 1Z Einszett Klima-Cleaner Air Conditioner Treatment seems like a good idea but wasn't sure if it really worked or more of a gimick.
these kits can work well in most cars, if the mildew is lodged within the a/c system you might need to visit the dealer and have a professional cleaner. Its not cheap and usually only needed on the newer sealed versions. Check manual for filter changing and spray some lysol in the a/c inlets under the hood to see if any changes are apparent.
Thanks. I'll give the Lysol a try for a starter. I took it to the shop for plugs to see if it gets the rough idle out and then it's to the transmission shop for a fluid change. Sitting for that long is nasty. He will use this in the winter to keep his other car safe. He has a '96 Cadillac Deville with only 5000 miles on it! I would love to detail that out someday. He's not used to spending much past a car wash.