How can I tell if there nano coating?


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Mar 17, 2016
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I recently got a CPO car and was about to do some paint correct before I applied CQuartz. After I washed with some dawn, clayed the car it is still beading water. That got me thinking if the previous owner had applied CQuartz or Opti-Coat already. Is there any way I can tell?
Welcome b2142578,

A clean paint system beads. You can perform Mike's 'squeak test', I dont know how to link so i'll just describe it: using a clean Terry Towel, fold it into a ball then with firm pressure twist it into the paint surface, if it 'squeaks' or has some amount of drag then the paint is most likely unprotected by a wax or other 'sealant'.

If it turns freely then there is some amount of dry lubrication present which indicates some protection in the form of wax, sealant or coating.

If you are performing a 'correction' which involves paint leveling this will compromise any surface sealant to allow a fresh installation of cquartz.

I recently got a CPO car and was about to do some paint correct before I applied CQuartz. After I washed with some dawn, clayed the car it is still beading water. That got me thinking if the previous owner had applied CQuartz or Opti-Coat already. Is there any way I can tell?
•Of the two Coatings you mention, CQuartz is
probably a "nano"-Coating (Opti-Coat on the other
hand is said to be a pre-polymer resin); yet both
are suppose to have a specifically defined hardness
and scratch resistance—said to be greater than that
of both Waxes and Sealants.
-{Note: The figure 9H, for some strange reason,
keeps cropping-up before my eyes right now.}

•One sure way to determine these
particular at tributes of Coatings:
-The ASTM test method D 3363 (Pencil Hardness Test)
is an effective method to test coatings for their
hardness and their scratch/wear resistance.
-This ASTM testing protocol uses pencils, of known
hardness values, that are to be moved over the
surface of test samples at a fixed angle and pressure.
-There are pencil hardness kits available at many
online outlets, if so interested.
