Seeking interior product and method advice!

Dan Tran

New member
Sep 10, 2015
Reaction score
Good day to all!

My current interior Arsenal is pretty basic right now.

I rock a ridgid portable shop vac and a McCulloch 1375 steam cleaner and I have interior micro fiber towels.

I normally do a thorough vacuum and start steaming the upholstery and carpet. If there were some stains I would spray down with griots interior cleaner and scrub with a brush.

After I would steam the pre treated areas with a towel clamped onto the steam wand. I would vacuum after that as the steam helps separate the carpet fibers and loosens up more sand and dirt as I feel is the case.

Anyway here is what happened

Before:View attachment 42043


Mind you, as you judge the after picture the carpet was still a bit damp from the scrubbing and such.

At any rate, the owner felt more than pleased fortunately. However, I was ashamed to call myself a Detailer as I thought I was able to have it come out better. SAD FACE!

View attachment 42044

what would YOU have done different as far as method and product.

Would a matter or dupray steamer done better.

My guess is a hot water extractor should have been used but I don't have one at the moment.

I have similar tools that I sometimes show up with.. Ridgid vac and I also have a McCulloch steamer [mine's a 1275 or whatever the smaller version of yours is] However I've never been a fan of wrapping a towel over the attachment when trying to clean upholstered seats or carpets.. All that's ever resulted in is saturated seats full of water + nothing cleaned. Grr.. I've never gone far enough to flood a vehicles carpet using the same method, but I'm convinced it doesn't work. I love my little steamer for cleaning dirty leather interior, but when it comes the upholstery & carpet, I'll take some Folex, my fingertips, and plenty of terry towels to it.

View attachment 42045

Until the day I get an extractor...

View attachment 42046

Megs APC & a scrub brush, mopped up with terry towels works good too. Anything but my steamer with a towel wrapped around it.. That's never worked for me.
Don't down yourself we all started from someplace, though my suggestion or tip would be similar to Eldorado2k steam the plastics and or interior pieces but when it comes to fabrics keep them as dry as possible but use something like folex to remove as much dirt from fabrics as possible another tip would be vacuum, and or use some general purpose microfiber towels to rub across the fabrics lastly try looking around for a Little green machine or carpet extractor on Craigslist etc and don't take to big of a bite either that your not comfortable with
Cyclo brush on a PC will improve the speed and effectiveness of your process.

Run the white Cyclo brush on speed 5-6 to break-up crusty stuff and bring sand to the surface

Vacuum thoroughly

Spot treat stains, based on what you think they are (grease vs organic)

Spray everything with Folex

Hit it again with the PC/Cyclo

For carpet; Scrub with white cotton, Terry towels (not Microfibers)

Final vacuum
