Autogeek impossible to reach via email?


New member
Jun 9, 2015
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Hi all,

Just placed another order at my favorite place - Auto Geek.

I tried responding to my order email with an issue I noticed and it bounced saying that email address hasn't been checked in so long and is abandoned. I retyped my email two more times in their form email page as there is no email address listed, and each time I received an error screen.

Kinda annoyed at this point and wondering if anyone else is having issues or just me. I tried both on an iPhone and iPad.

Thank you
Hi all,

Just placed another order at my favorite place - Auto Geek.

I tried responding to my order email with an issue I noticed and it bounced saying that email address hasn't been checked in so long and is abandoned. I retyped my email two more times in their form email page as there is no email address listed, and each time I received an error screen.

Kinda annoyed at this point and wondering if anyone else is having issues or just me. I tried both on an iPhone and iPad.

Thank you
just call them.
I had the same issue trying to email them. The contact us form on the site worked and they picked up the phone right away also.
Which email address? And what part of our store were you trying to contact us through?

We'll get it fixed ASAP. In the mean time give us a shout tomorrow or Monday.
Not to worry...Help is on the way:
Nick is looking at your thread right now!


Edit: Nick beat me to it while I was posting-up.
Which email address? And what part of our store were you trying to contact us through?

We'll get it fixed ASAP. In the mean time give us a shout tomorrow or Monday.

Hi Nick,

I replied to the order confirmation email and then on the form I was using the customer service radio button. Form said execution error, and email bounce back said this:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
(ultimately generated from [email protected])
host []
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>:
550 [email protected] to extended inactivity new mail is not currently being accepted for this mailbox
Notified them of same issue, probably a couple of weeks ago by direct email and not using the reply feature contained in their message. Bad thing about email if you only check once a day you can't assume that the stuff gets there. OTOH, everything answered promptly when it does and phone service was great.
I had the same problem a few weeks ago..... since I never got a reply, the order was canceled. Too bad since they lost out on making a few $$ plus it just puts a bad taste in your mouth when it happens twice in a row!!
AGO is a much larger organization now than it was several years ago. With a few dozen people, it's very easy to apply and maintain a single customer-focused approach in every channel to the customers/client. Double-that number, and the challenge becomes exponentially more difficult to maintain (too many other variables muddy the easiest of business processes).

Most growing companies are so busy moving forward that the only way they maintain focus is by ensuring the organization on-the-whole has procedures that ensure they evaluate, learn a lesson and apply it consistently in the future. Put another way, "continuous improvement".

I always advocate for posting good, bad and ugly situations on a forum, because it establishes opportunity for improvement - which is really two things. 1) Keep what works, 2) Change what doesn't, 3) Acknowledge what can change in the long-term, but not right away.

What is outstanding is that there is usually an acknowledgment on the part of AGO as to what went wrong (no matter where the problem lies). I have seen most responses very credible and honest.

While AGO is not 100% perfect on every order, I am sure the % of errors is better than the average; and their recovery rate on the second attempt usually gets things close enough.

Most of us frequent these forums because their service is top notch; it couldn't work any other way. We should all be grateful there are companies still focused on these types of values in their services.
I am having this problem as well. There was an issue with my order and I tried emailing about it but am getting the same error message:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
(ultimately generated from [email protected])
host []
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>:
550 [email protected] to extended inactivity new mail is not currently being accepted for this mailbox.

Action: failed
Final-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: dns;
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 [email protected] to extended inactivity new mail is not currently being accepted for this mailbox.

I would guess based on my experience and how other stores work that; The Confirmation email address is just that a "Confirmation email" and will not accept replies for service. Thus why they have a specific service email and phone number.


I would guess based on my experience and how other stores work that; The Confirmation email address is just that a "Confirmation email" and will not accept replies for service. Thus why they have a specific service email and phone number.

Unfortunately not the case here - this bounce-back is coming from their main [email protected] and [email protected] addresses. I even tried their website form and the same thing happened.
Yup, had a similar problem while trying to reply about an issue with my order but got them on the phone and solved it. Their server seems to be either down or damaged.
AGO is a much larger organization now than it was several years ago. With a few dozen people, it's very easy to apply and maintain a single customer-focused approach in every channel to the customers/client. Double-that number, and the challenge becomes exponentially more difficult to maintain (too many other variables muddy the easiest of business processes).

Most growing companies are so busy moving forward that the only way they maintain focus is by ensuring the organization on-the-whole has procedures that ensure they evaluate, learn a lesson and apply it consistently in the future. Put another way, "continuous improvement".

I always advocate for posting good, bad and ugly situations on a forum, because it establishes opportunity for improvement - which is really two things. 1) Keep what works, 2) Change what doesn't, 3) Acknowledge what can change in the long-term, but not right away.

What is outstanding is that there is usually an acknowledgment on the part of AGO as to what went wrong (no matter where the problem lies). I have seen most responses very credible and honest.

While AGO is not 100% perfect on every order, I am sure the % of errors is better than the average; and their recovery rate on the second attempt usually gets things close enough.

Most of us frequent these forums because their service is top notch; it couldn't work any other way. We should all be grateful there are companies still focused on these types of values in their services.

Very well said! AG never pretends to be perfect, but in my experience, they always own up to their mistakes or shortcomings, which is more than can be said for most companies. They would not have grown to the point they are today if they did not value their customers and always try to do right by them.

I always wonder though when people have an issue with online communications, why not just pick up the phone and call? This is not like calling an airline or credit card company where the call is routed to a third world company call center.