Does anyone have a good method for adding a cooling hole to the center of a foam pad?


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May 23, 2023
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I have some foam pads without the hole in the center. I want to add a 3/4" hole on those pads to help with cooling for use on a 15mm stroke da polisher.
you can buy a set of hollow punches for less than $15. I bought one years ago when I needed to make sizes of a pad not offered by the manufacturer. I made 2" pads (meguiar's polishing pad). the only thing is they may not come out perfectly round (every time) depending on how you strike (i use a small piece of wood over the top and a rubber mallet) the hollow punch when cutting them because the foam stretches/expands if that makes sense. if it were me i would just leave the pad alone and buy ones that have the center hole next time around. one mistake and you ruin the whole pad...

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Why not simply trace around a round object of your choice with a razor knife.
Well a brand new razor blade in a razor knife is waaaaaaay sharper than a hole punch or a hole saw.

Not talking about the sharpness..trying to cut a half way perfect circle with a razor knife is not an easy task.
Thanks for the input. I found some other information online of someone recommending using a General Tools 1280P 3/4" Hollow Steel Punch. It's about $16 bucks on Amazon. I'm not sure if I will give it a try or not.
Not talking about the sharpness..trying to cut a half way perfect circle with a razor knife is not an easy task.

That is why one traces (with a razor knife) around a washer, or a wooden dowel, anything round. Besides if not a perfect circle I highly doubt it will affect the intended purpose of the hole.