Cleaning Brushes


New member
May 21, 2010
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For the guys who use the cycle to clean carpets how/what do you use to clean the brushes? I did a few spots on the carpet in the house and I have little carpet hairs stuck in the bristles and I cannot remove them. I will post a pic as soon as I can. Thanks!
I take a razor blade and start running it throught he bristles. It glides inbetween them, doesnt hurt them, and it really pulls out all of the carpet fibers. Atleast in my experience it works great!

Edit: I didnt know you were referring to the cyclo brush attachment. I use it for my carpet brush but the bristles should be similar... nylon probably. Same system should work for you
Ya try the razorblade. It worked perfectly for me. I've used razorblades and box cutters. Both work. It cots the fibers and they just come out. I stumbled on this by dumb luck
Thank you for the tip. I will try it once I scrub out a few stains the dog decided to leave in the hallway (puked)
Well I tried out the razor blade tip tonight. Worked like a charm. Takes some time and I didnt get it 100% clean but it was amazing the crap that came out of the brushes. Thanks again for your help!
Well I tried out the razor blade tip tonight. Worked like a charm. Takes some time and I didnt get it 100% clean but it was amazing the crap that came out of the brushes. Thanks again for your help!

No problem! Im glad I could help
Cyclo's site says to usea a pet comb, like you would use to comb out the fur on your pet.
I used a stainless wire brush with the longer strands. I had one on hand & tried it and seemed to work well.
Since you have a dog, and like the video shows, see if you can find a dog brush at the pet stores, etc. They can serve double duty for also getting dog hair out of the dog's wire hair brushes. The teeth spacing is wider on these.