5" or 6" pad on a G8?


New member
Nov 17, 2022
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I recently purchased a G8 for the smaller pad footprint (I also got the 1" and 2" plates and pads), but I am now wondering if this same polisher would work with a larger (5" or 6") backing plate. When I look at the specs of the G8 and G9, the only differences I see are: (1) orbit/throw (8mm for the G8, 9mm for the G9), (2) current draw (6 for the G8, 8.5 for the G9) and the handle style (no drive head grip for the G8 as is on the G9). I already own an old but still functional PC 7336, which I originally purchased as a sander for work on solid surface countertops (it was DuPont's recommended sander/polisher for Corian back in the 90s), but also works well as a general purpose polisher (I've used it on my cars as well as finished furniture with success). Another data point that is relevant: the 7336 current draw is 3.7A, which is about 60% of that of the G8, so the G8 would also give me more power if I needed it vs the PC. Anyway, I thought I would ask the forum members if anyone else has used a larger pad with the G8, and if so, how that worked out. I plan to do a test run with the larger pad to see how it works (on a non-critical surface), and will report back on the results, but any feedback on this option would be most appreciated.
My guess is it will stall flat on it's face...under powered machine....yes I own one
I'd also think that it wouldn't be very balanced. The extra backing plate/pad weight wouldn't be what the G8 counterbalance was designed for.
If it did, it would be truly an all in one polisher.
I recently purchased a G8 for the smaller pad footprint (I also got the 1" and 2" plates and pads), but I am now wondering if this same polisher would work with a larger (5" or 6") backing plate.

Nope. :)
I'd also think that it wouldn't be very balanced. The extra backing plate/pad weight wouldn't be what the G8 counterbalance was designed for.

it would put more load on the tool and decrease the effectiveness as well...
Thanks all for the feedback. I spoke with someone at Griot's who confirmed that the counterbalance on the G8 would result in more vibration with a larger pad. The PC has served me well but is showing its age, so I am considering adding a G9 to my tool box - maybe I will add it to my Christmas list!
Thanks all for the feedback. I spoke with someone at Griot's who confirmed that the counterbalance on the G8 would result in more vibration with a larger pad. The PC has served me well but is showing its age, so I am considering adding a G9 to my tool box - maybe I will add it to my Christmas list!

You will not be disappointed............... :)
I should have my cordless SPTA 15mm in a few days. I'm expecting it to be a game changer with no cords.

Cordless tools are VERY nice, the ones that i have used at work. Mostly dewalt and millwakee.
I should have my cordless SPTA 15mm in a few days. I'm expecting it to be a game changer with no cords.

Cordless tools are VERY nice, the ones that i have used at work. Mostly dewalt and millwakee.

I do like not having a cord and love my Dewalt 20V tools-I've switched over to cordless for a lot of tools I never thought would escape the tether (circular saw). I looked at the Dewalt polisher for that reason but decided to go with the Griot's because of the positive reviews online and from my neighbor, who is much more experienced with car care than I am. The fact that the G9 was half the price of the Dewalt polisher was also a factor, but if I get more serious about all this I will revisit the Dewalt option. And of course, there is always next Christmas for the Dewalt to be on my list!

Thanks again to everyone for the help-this forum is proving to be a great resource for getting me up and running with my car care objectives, glad I found it!
I should have my cordless SPTA 15mm in a few days. I'm expecting it to be a game changer with no cords.

Cordless tools are VERY nice, the ones that i have used at work. Mostly dewalt and millwakee.

Why didn't you go with the cordless DeWalt? Rather than buy into a new battery system, use the one you have.
Or the new Milwaukees?
I agree that a cordless polisher is much easier to work with. What kind of price did you get on the SPTA 15mm cordless?
^^ It was just a little over $200USD without the polishes - i got mine from aliexpress when i was in the Philippine's last year. It's on amazon dot com i think. The prices for the SPTA in Canada is actually nearly double aliexpress.