Bulk Cleaners


New member
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
By next month my shop should be up and running.

What are some AP cleaners everyone uses without breaking the bank? I currently use F bomb and OPC but those are pricey for just a gallon size and sure I would be going through that twice as fast being fulltime then I do currently.

Thank you!
By next month my shop should be up and running.

What are some AP cleaners everyone uses without breaking the bank? I currently use F bomb and OPC but those are pricey for just a gallon size and sure I would be going through that twice as fast being fulltime then I do currently.

Thank you!

I currently use Optimum Power Clean. But quite honestly, I am thinking about going back to Meguiar’s D101 because it performs very well for the price.

They both perform great. But I give the edge to Meguiar’s just based on the fact that their bottles make it way easier to figure out dilutions.
Meguiar’s D101 here too

I do like the 3D stuff also though.
I currently use Optimum Power Clean. But quite honestly, I am thinking about going back to Meguiar’s D101 because it performs very well for the price.

They both perform great. But I give the edge to Meguiar’s just based on the fact that their bottles make it way easier to figure out dilutions.

Meguiar’s D101 here too

I do like the 3D stuff also though.

Thank you everyone!
Theres a lot of cheap apc that perform good. super clean, purple power and another super cheap one is la totally awesome. have to be super careful with awesome because if its not diluted enough it can and will fade paint on panels and such. so i use it only on carpet or to remove bugs off the paint.