Typo's on websites etc...

Paul A.

New member
Dec 21, 2007
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One of the things that bugs me and, I admit may be just me, but when I visit company websites and see typo's. This may not be too important for most...as long as people get the intended message...but we're "detailers" and should pay attention to those things.

Again, I may be in the minority but I think we can be better.
One of the things that bugs me and, I admit may be just me, but when I visit company websites and see typo's. This may not be too important for most...as long as people get the intended message...but we're "detailers" and should pay attention to those things.

Again, I may be in the minority but I think we can be better.

I don't trust sites with typo's and leave. If they don't have management skills to correct those errors, what other skills do they lack.
Such sites have a great possibility of being scams. Con artists clearly flunked English grammar and spelling in school.
I figure if they can't get that right, they probably won't get much else right either. You only have one chance to make a first impression.