First AG order has arrived


New member
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
Here's the proof







Have a 3 drawer tote sitting next to the cabinet with MF's, Pads got moved into the bottom drawer there so I could fit all my products that were previously left freezing in the garage in. Also thank you AG, this order was pretty much free. Talking to the UPS guy while he was here, now once the weather warms up I will be detailing his and his wife's cars. Not charging him much since I'm so new and a hobbyist but at least I can recoup some costs and get a few different cars to practice on before I really start putting myself out there.
And the obsession begins... Cherish these special times. :joking: Nice order! :xyxthumbs:
You will love the PB's. I have both and they make my black titan really POP!! :buffing:
Booyah! Nice order! Looks like somebody's gonna be havin' some fun! :xyxthumbs:
Nice order. I just realized I never really gave the DP line up a good look..
Member here for 3 years and just putting in your first order? You definitely like to do your research. :D

Make sure you keep the camera close by when you put these products to use. :buffing:
Will do. Posted a few years back when I was trying to clean up my motorcycle and kind of forgot about it since. Ended up repainting the bike anyway.
I believe the orange pads are ones that will fit the cyclone (4") but they will be used on the PC. One of the starter kits here at AG include all of those pads shown. Planning on getting a bunch of 5.5" pads and using the 4" to work on my motorcycle. I haven't even used any of these things yet and I have another order ready to go on payday.